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10 soft skills that can land you that dream job

Academic qualifications alone are no longer sufficient to secure employment opportunities in the brutally competitive Nigerian market. Employers seek candidates who possess a diverse range of soft skills, which complement their grade, technical expertise and contribute to professional success. Soft skills, which is also referred to as interpersonal skills, people skills, or transferable skills consist of a broad range of attributes, behaviours, and personal qualities that enable individuals to interact effectively with others, navigate diverse social situations, and thrive in professional environments.

Unlike hard skills, which are specific to a particular job or industry and can be taught and measured, soft skills are more subjective and difficult to quantify. Soft skills are intrinsic to an individual’s personality and are developed over time through experience, practice, and self-awareness. Soft skills are essential for building rapport, trust, and creating positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and employers.

Here are 10 soft skills that every Nigeria undergraduate and graduates seeking to get employment should possess

1. Creativity and Innovation:
Creativity and innovation is the ability to generate original ideas, think outside the box, and develop solutions to complex problems. Creative individuals are imaginative, resourceful, and willing to take risks to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Therefore, companies and organisations are always looking forward to employing graduates who are creative and innovative.

2. Critical Thinking:
Critical thinking is the ability to analyse information, evaluate arguments, and make reasoned judgments or decisions based on evidence. Critical thinkers are curious, sceptical, and open-minded, and they approach problems or situations with a questioning mindset and a desire for deeper understanding. This skill is one which many companies looks out for. They employ individuals who are critical thinkers.

3. Problem-Solving Skills:

Problem-solving skills entail the capacity to identify, analyse, and resolve complex issues or challenges using logic, creativity, and critical thinking. Individuals with strong problem-solving skills can assess situations, generate alternative solutions, and implement strategies to address problems effectively.Employers always want critical thinkers who can come up with solutions to pressing issues in the organisation.

4. Communication Skills:
Communication skills encompass the ability to convey information clearly, concisely, and effectively through verbal, written, and non-verbal means. Strong communication skills are essential for building rapport, expressing ideas, and establishing productive relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. By developing communication skills, undergraduate students as well as graduates can enhance their employability and differentiate themselves in the competitive job market.

5. Teamwork and Collaboration:

Teamwork and collaboration involve the ability to work cooperatively with others towards a common goal, share ideas, and contribute to group success. Effective team players are adept at listening, compromising, and leveraging the strengths of team members to achieve desired outcomes. Employers seek candidates who can collaborate effectively with co-workers and work for the good of the organisation.

6. Time Management:
Time management involves the ability to prioritise tasks, allocate resources efficiently, and meet deadlines effectively. Individuals with strong time management skills can organise their workload, minimise distractions, and optimise productivity to achieve desired outcomes within specified timeframes.

7. Adaptability and Flexibility:
Adaptability and flexibility refer to the ability to embrace change, thrive in diverse environments, and respond positively to unexpected circumstances. Adaptable individuals are open-minded, resilient, and willing to learn new skills or adjust their approach as needed to accommodate evolving situations.

8. Leadership Skills:
Leadership skills encompass the ability to inspire, motivate, and influence others to achieve shared goals and objectives. Effective leaders possess strong communication, decision-making, and interpersonal skills, as well as the confidence and vision to guide and empower team members.

9. Networking Skills:
Networking skills is siimply the ability to build and maintain professional relationships, connect with peers, mentors, and industry professionals, and leverage social connections to access opportunities and advance one’s career. Effective networkers are proactive, genuine, and strategic in their interactions, and they recognise the value of building a strong professional network to support their personal and professional growth. In industry such as entertainment and marketing, individuals with networking Skills have an edge to getting a good job with a better salary.

10. Emotional Intelligence:
Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognise, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as empathise with the emotions of others.

Emotionally intelligent individuals are self-aware, socially adept, and capable of building meaningful relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Soft skills are not only valuable for securing employment but also for advancing one’s career and achieving long-term success.

Temitope Kareem

Temitope Kareem, a graduate of English Language from Obafemi Awolowo University, with a background in content/copywriting and broadcast journalism.

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