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16-year-old wins $250,000 scholarship in global science contest

A 16-year-old, Noor Haideri, from Overland Park, United States, has emerged as the winner of the prestigious Breakthrough Junior Challenge.

This global competition, renowned for recognising the scientific ingenuity of high school students, awarded Noor a $250,000 college scholarship for her outstanding science video on the impact of blue light on sleep cycles.

Noor, a high school junior, captivated the judges and audiences alike with her clear and informative video, which delved into the science behind why using phones and computers before bed can disrupt sleep quality.

She explained how blue light exposure stimulates melanopsin, a protein in the eye, which then sends signals to the brain to reduce melatonin production—the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.

“They called my name, and I thought I was getting a different award,” Noor recounted with excitement. “Finding out it was actually the Breakthrough Junior Challenge was one of the best surprises.”

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is an annual contest that attracts thousands of submissions from high school students worldwide. Noor’s video stood out among the rest for its clarity, scientific accuracy, and engaging presentation.

In addition to her scholarship, Noor’s victory brings significant benefits to her school and her mentor. Her high school will receive a new state-of-the-art science lab, and her science teacher will be awarded $50,000, further fostering the environment that nurtured Noor’s scientific curiosity.

Noor plans to use her scholarship to pursue multiple doctorate degrees, reflecting her commitment to continued learning and scientific exploration.

Noor Haideri’s remarkable achievement not only highlights her exceptional talent but also serves as an inspiration to young scientists everywhere, demonstrating the profound impact that clear scientific communication and dedication can have on the world.

Alao Akeem

Akeem Alao is a graduate in English Education. He is a freelance journalist and language instructor.

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