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7 Soft skills every student must possess before admission

Gaining admission into tertiary institutions is a significant milestone in anyone’s life. While academic prowess is usually the primary focus, soft skills also play a significant role in ensuring your smooth and remarkable stay in the university. These skills, often referred to as interpersonal or people skills, help students navigate the complex social and academic situation of university life. Here are the essential soft skills you must possess before gaining admission into the university.

1. Communication Skills
Effective communication is paramount in university settings. This includes both verbal and written communication. As a university student, you should be able to articulate ideas clearly and confidently in classroom discussions, presentations, and group projects. This skill also aids in networking with peers, senior colleagues, and even your lecturer. Proficiency in writing is essential for essays, reports, and research papers. Good writing skills help in conveying complex ideas succinctly and effectively.

2. Time Management Skills
University life demands excellent time management skills. Balancing academics, social life, and possibly part-time work requires effective scheduling and prioritisation. Practise managing your time efficiently to keep up with various responsibilities.

3. Basic Computer Skills
In today’s digital age, proficiency in basic computer skills is essential. Familiarise yourself with word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and internet research. Many assignments and projects will require these skills.

4. Self-Discipline
University offers a level of freedom that can be overwhelming. Self-discipline is vital to stay focused on your academic goals. Set personal rules and adhere to them to maintain a balance between study and leisure.

5. Networking Skills
Building a network of friends, mentors, and professionals can significantly impact your university experience and career. Attend seminars, join clubs, and participate in social activities to expand your network.

6. Adaptability
Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions. University life is dynamic, with constantly changing schedules, academic demands, and social environments. Being open to change and willing to adjust plans as needed is essential coping with the unexpected.
Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks and learning from failures is a crucial aspect of adaptability.

7. Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and to recognise and influence the emotions of others. Understanding your own emotions helps in managing stress and maintaining mental health. EQ is an improvement skill to possess as a university student as it helps you to empathise with others. You can improve your EQ through mindfulness practices, active listening, and seeking feedback from peers and mentors.

Temitope Kareem

Temitope Kareem, a graduate of English Language from Obafemi Awolowo University, with a background in content/copywriting and broadcast journalism.

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