
800 out-of-school children enrolled as NGO tackles education crisis in Yobe

A non-governmental organization, Building the Future Support for Social Development Initiative (BTF), has taken a bold step in addressing the education crisis in Yobe State by enrolling 800 out-of-school children in schools across all 17 local government areas.
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A non-governmental organization, Building the Future Support for Social Development Initiative (BTF), has taken a bold step in addressing the education crisis in Yobe State by enrolling 800 out-of-school children in schools across all 17 local government areas.

Speaking at the first conference on “Rebuilding Education in Yobe State,” BTF’s founder, Mr. Abubakar Abba Gana Tata, highlighted the urgent need for intervention. The conference, themed *
Harmonising Efforts for Educational Transformation in Yobe State, served as a platform to discuss solutions to the state’s long-standing education challenges.

According to Mr. Tata, BTF launched a school support project aimed at assisting orphans and children whose parents or guardians are financially incapable of enrolling them. Many families struggle to afford essentials such as uniforms, books, and other necessary stationeries, preventing their children from accessing education.

“Yobe State has faced significant challenges in the education sector due to a combination of insurgency, poverty, and inadequate infrastructure. These factors have left the state with some of the lowest education indicators in the country,” Mr. Tata stated.

He emphasized the need for a collective approach to resolving these issues, calling on stakeholders to work together to ensure sustainable improvements in the education system.

“The complexity of these challenges calls for a united approach involving all sectors to create a lasting transformation in education,” he added.

BTF’s initiative represents a crucial step in reversing the declining education standards in Yobe, offering renewed hope for children who have long been denied access to learning.

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