Categories: Essays

Digital Devices for Students in the 21st century

In today’s digital age, children are growing up in an environment saturated with various digital devices and online content. Integrating digital devices into children’s lives begins at a very young age. From educational apps on tablets to interactive learning platforms in schools, digital tools have become a core part of the modern educational system. While the internet offers vast educational resources and opportunities for social connection, this digital exposure has both positive and negative impacts on children’s development.

One of the numerous advantages of digital devices is that they provide interactive learning experiences that can make education more engaging and effective for learners. For instance, there is access to online classes and tutorials, educational apps and games which provide interactive activities that reinforce learning concepts in a fun manner. Examples include platforms like Academy, Duolingo, and various educational YouTube channels that provide valuable supplementary learning opportunities. These tools often include instant feedback, which helps children understand their progress and areas that need improvement.

Using digital tools helps children develop essential skills for the 21st century, such as digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving. When children are familiar with these tools, it helps equip them with technology that prepares children for future academic and professional environments. The internet provides children with access to a wealth of information on any topic imaginable. This can foster a love for learning and curiosity about their education.

While digital has various advantages, its disadvantages also cannot be overemphasized. Excessive use of digital devices can lead to screen addiction, which may affect children’s physical health (e.g., eye strain, poor posture), mental health (e.g., anxiety, depression), and social skills (e.g., reduced face-to-face interactions). Children can also abuse these digital devices. Without proper supervision, children can easily stumble upon inappropriate content, such as violence, pornography, or hate speech, which is inappropriate for their age and can have detrimental effects on their psychological development.

Also, digital devices can be a source of distraction for students. It can decrease the attention spans of students and lower their academic performance. While using digital devices for academic purposes, notifications from social media, games, and other apps can interrupt study time and reduce productivity.

Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children to navigate the online world and ensure that their digital devices meant for educational purposes are not abused. Here are some practical tips to help parents ensure their children’s digital safety:

Set clear rules about the amount of screen time allowed each day, the types of websites and apps they can use, and the kind of information they can share online.
Ensure that the digital content your child accesses is age-appropriate. Use parental control settings on devices and apps to block inappropriate content.

Keep digital devices in common areas where you can easily monitor your child’s online activity.
Avoid allowing devices in bedrooms, especially during nighttime.
Ensure they consume more educational content.
Children often imitate their parents’ behaviour. Model good digital habits by limiting your own screen time and practising good online etiquette.

Temitope Kareem

Temitope Kareem, a graduate of English Language from Obafemi Awolowo University, with a background in content/copywriting and broadcast journalism.

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