‘Life is hard already so students need happiness’

Meet Sunday Oyedeji, a language virtuoso hailing from the vibrant city of Ifon,Osogbo in Osun state. With an unwavering passion for the English language, he exudes the charm of a grammarian, the finesse of a communication expert, and the wisdom of a dedicated English language and media studies teacher. Sunday prides himself on being a purist, always striving to help students achieve unparalleled excellence. As an expert CV reviewer and writer, he has been instrumental in turning countless dreams into reality, guiding individuals towards their coveted career paths. Whether it’s crafting captivating cover letters, composing compelling statements of purpose, or mastering the art of journalistic writing, Sunday is the go-to professional.In a world of words, Sunday Oyedeji shines as a beacon of guidance and inspiration. In this interview with Edugist he torchlight pertinent questions on teaching. Excerpts

Can you tell us about your teaching philosophy and approach to working with students?

To me, every student who will be brilliant needs a good teacher. Only brilliance doesn’t only make you a good teacher; you’ve got to be a pedagogue in your body and soul. A good teacher teaches all like a two-year old poor boy. If a teacher teaches this way, even the academically poorest student will become brilliant as time goes on.

A teacher’s appearance should also bring joy and comic relief to students. Your class, as a teacher, must be a platform for students to laugh and forget the complexity of learning, thereby getting absorbed into the meaning you’re trying to pass to them. My approach is teacher-centered. I prepare for every class to simplify complex academic ideas for the sumptuous consumption of my students.

How do you tailor your teaching to meet the individual needs of your students?

I am a very funny teacher who derives pleasure from using teaching to showcase how funny I can be. ‘I ensure students get it’ through my moderate comic display. The life is hard already so students need happiness to shake away the sorrow of life and embrace your teaching.

Can you describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult student or classroom situation, and how you handled it?

About five weeks ago, a female student vituperated me in the class and I was forced to do what I hate; I beat her seriously to discourage that kind of attitude in her and in the rest of the students and counselled and prayed for her afterwards.

How do you stay up to date with new teaching methods, technologies, and best practices in the field?

I ask questions. I carry out personal research and apply my findings.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a successful English language teacher?

There are surely several qualities that a teacher of the English language requires. Some of which are correct pronunciation of words, mastery of the avalanche of English vocabulary, simplicity, understanding of the Literature of English language, and an ability to translate English into native language of the students.He should be a jester that can use his appearance to bring comedy into the problem of learning.
Good writing skills.

Can you share any initiatives or projects that you have been involved in to improve education or literacy levels in your community?

I joined others to teach Mass Communication courses sponsored by my department executives while at my alma mater.
I had a tutorial where I voluntarily taught Mass Communication course free of charge.
I’ve personally developed the English and Yoruba vocabulary level of some students and they are happy now.

In what ways do you see education and fashion intersecting, and how do you incorporate this into your work?

As a teacher, you need to get yourself clad in beautiful outlook. If you don’t dress well, you may turn yourself into an object of mockery in front of your 21st century students.😃 Be neat and smell nice to send a pulchritudinous signal of the teaching profession.

How do you think technology is changing the way we approach teaching or fashion design, and what opportunities and challenges does this present?

Any student can know what his teacher knows now. Students can take courses online and acquire and consume whatever teaching there is to consume.

Today, it is possible I teach anybody around the world because of what Marshall McLuan called the Global Village built on internet.

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in pursuing a career in education or fashion?

Teaching is a noble profession. You have products everywhere. A teacher will continue to read and be forced to carry out research as long as he wishes to remain a brilliant teacher. They should go ahead and pursue a teaching profession. It is a beautiful thing to be a teacher.Teaching is a noble profession. You have products everywhere. A teacher will continue to read and be forced to carry out research as long as he wishes to remain a brilliant teacher. They should go ahead and pursue a teaching profession. It is a beautiful thing to be a teacher.

Folaranmi Ajayi

Folaranmi Ajayi, Senior Reporter at Edugist is an educator with over a decade of experience in teaching and helping students pass exams with above-average grades. He is an investigative education journalist with a special interest in local education reporting, mentoring students, public speaking, and online training.

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