Categories: Weekend Edu

Oyo unveils measures to prevent cholera outbreak in schools

The Oyo State Government has rolled out some guidelines to ensure that food handlers in public schools follow strict hygiene practices to prevent contamination.

The Executive Chairman, Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board, Dr Nureni Adeniran made this known in the instructions released in Ibadan on Saturday.

He advised headteachers to implement the measures to prevent cholera outbreaks in public basic schools in the state.

The SUBEB boss said that the Oyo State government, through the board, “is on top of its game to ensure that public basic schools are taking steps to ensure the health and safety of students.”

Adeniran urged parents, guardians, as well as school authorities to adhere to safety guidelines.
He said the board would work with Education Secretaries, teachers and other stakeholders to ensure strict compliance.

The advisory emphasised the importance of hand hygiene, recommending that children carry hand sanitisers and frequently wash their hands with soap and water, especially before meals and after using the restroom.

Adeniran also recommended that schools keep Oral Rehydration Salt available in their clinics to manage dehydration cases promptly.
He said that schools should notify the state emergency hotline, 615, immediately, in case of any health emergency or suspected cholera cases.

Adeniran said other preventive measures including comprehensive health talks on cholera prevention among learners and staff would be conducted regularly, as well as ensuring safe drinking practices.

Abdulhaqq Obisesan

Student of Mass Communication, staff reporter at EDUGIST.

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