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Teachers as role models for the 21st century students

Ab initio, teachers play an important role in shaping the lives of students. They are the architects of our future, shaping young minds and laying the foundation for a better and modernised society. Beyond playing their role as educators, teachers serve as role models, profoundly influencing the lives of their students. They are not only facilitators of knowledge but also mentors, guides, and role models.

For context, a role model is someone who serves as an example, and whose behaviour is emulated by others. In other words, a role model is also someone who exemplifies desirable behaviours and values, serving as a source of inspiration and guidance for others. In the context of education, teachers embody this definition perfectly, influencing the attitudes, values, and behaviours of their students. For students, teachers often become these influential figures, whose actions, attitudes, and words leave lasting imprints.

Mr Iruolagbe David, an education consultant, mentioned that his biology teacher while in senior secondary school shaped him to be who he is today. He described his teacher as someone worth emulating whose way of life and teaching methods not only influenced his decision to study biology education at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka but also his mode of teaching as he himself has become a teacher

The influence of teachers extends far beyond the classroom. They do not merely impart academic knowledge; they also shape the moral compass, social skills, and personal aspirations of their students. The way a teacher approaches issues treats students and colleagues and navigates life’s complexities provides a powerful example for students to emulate and the John Q PublicFrom fostering a love for learning to instilling a sense of integrity and responsibility, the impact of a teacher as a role model is both profound and enduring.

As role models, teachers are in a unique position to nurture not just the intellectual growth of their students, but also their emotional and ethical development. They have the potential to inspire a lifelong passion for learning, motivate students to achieve their highest potential, and guide them in becoming compassionate, responsible, and engaged citizens. A passionate and knowledgeable teacher can ignite a love for learning and curiosity in students. When teachers show enthusiasm for their subject matter and a genuine interest in student’s success, it encourages students to engage more deeply with the material and strive for academic excellence. The teacher’s attitude towards learning can shape the students’ own academic pursuits and lifelong learning habits.

There are different qualities that can make a student single out a teacher as his role model. Miss Aanuoluwapo Adekanbi, a teacher in a school in Ifo in Ogun State talked about the qualities of a teacher that can also function as a role model. Integrity is a fundamental quality of a great role model. Teachers who act with integrity earn the trust and respect of their students. This involves being honest, reliable, and consistent in their actions and words. Students observe and learn from how teachers handle various situations, and integrity in a teacher sets a strong example for students to follow in their own lives. A passion for teaching is infectious. Teachers who are enthusiastic about their subject matter and the process of teaching itself can inspire students to develop a love for learning. Passionate teachers are often more engaging, creative, and committed to finding ways to make learning meaningful and enjoyable for their students.

Fairness and impartiality are also other qualities that portray a teacher as a good role model. Being fair as a teacher helps build an inclusive and respectful classroom environment. Teachers who treat all students equitably, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities, model the principles of justice and equality. This helps students develop a sense of fairness and respect for diversity, essential qualities for functioning effectively in a multicultural society. Effective communication is a cornerstone of teaching. Teachers who communicate, listen actively and provide constructive feedback can build strong relationships with their students. Good communication skills also help teachers convey their expectations, provide support, and resolve conflicts effectively, setting a strong example for students to follow in their interactions.

Teachers often extend their influence to the families and communities of their students. Parents and guardians look to teachers for guidance and support in the educational and personal development of their children. Olamide, a student in the nursing department at Obafemi Awolowo University recounted how her home economics teacher in secondary school, Mrs Obembe was such a good role model to her. She talked about how her parents noticed this and made that particular teacher a friend of the family. The teacher has since then built a strong partnership with her family that extends beyond her education.

Teachers as role models hold a significant place in the educational terrain. Their influence extends beyond imparting academic knowledge to shaping the moral, social, and emotional development of their students.

Temitope Kareem

Temitope Kareem, a graduate of English Language from Obafemi Awolowo University, with a background in content/copywriting and broadcast journalism.

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