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Esit Eket in Akwa Ibom commits 30% of PIA funds to education

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Esit Eket local government area in Akwa Ibom State has allocated a substantial portion of its Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) funds towards bolstering education and human development initiatives.

Under this groundbreaking initiative, Esit Eket will direct 30% of its 3% share from the PIA funds towards education advancement.

The PIA mandates that oil-producing communities receive 3% of oil revenue generated by international oil companies operating in their region.

Esit Eket, managed by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company/Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited Joint Venture (NNPC/MPNU), is utilizing this allocation to spearhead a comprehensive educational renaissance.

During the inauguration of the Esit Eket Education Renaissance Committee, Mr. Bassey Dan-Abia, representing Esit Eket in the NNPC/MPNU JV EMOIMEE HCDT, outlined the ambitious plans.

A former member of the House of Representatives, Dan-Abia emphasized the critical role of education in fostering sustainable development and preparing youths for the future.

“Education is a priority area for us. We are looking at investing a minimum of 30% or more to address the infrastructural gaps in education and develop human capacity,” stated Dan-Abia.

The allocation will be utilized to build modern educational infrastructure, train teachers, and offer scholarships in emerging fields critical for future growth.

Dan-Abia highlighted the importance of preparing Esit Eket’s youth for emerging sectors such as cybersecurity, aerospace engineering, artificial intelligence, and agriculture.

“We believe that there is no genuine success without youth development, and we have chosen to use education as a cornerstone to build our youth,” Dan-Abia added.

This strategic investment aims to equip Esit Eket’s youth with skills aligned with the demands of the evolving job market, fostering economic empowerment and sustainable development in the region.

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