
Africa’s sustainable development conference calls for papers

ICASuD is an annual interdisciplinary research-based and industry-focused conference that aims at addressing key economic and societal development issues across the African continent and its partnering nations.
International Conference on Africa's Sustainable Development
International Conference on Africa's Sustainable Development (ICASuD)
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The International Centre for Policy Research and Industry Linkages of Shaveh Consulting in collaboration with Anchor University Lagos has called for papers given at the third Annual International Conference on Africa’s Sustainable Development themed ‘Shifting Africa into a Production and Industrialised Economy Amid Global Socio-economic Disruptions.’

Scheduled for October 18 – 19, 2023 the conference will be hybrid with a physical venue at the AUL Multipurpose Hall, Anchor University Lagos, Ipaja Ayobo, Lagos, Nigeria and a virtual conference link will be sent to all registered virtual participants.

ICASuD is an annual interdisciplinary research-based and industry-focused conference that aims at addressing key economic and societal development issues across the African continent and its partnering nations. Since 2021, the International Centre for Policy Research and Industry Linkages (ICePRIL), a subsidiary of Shaveh Consulting has hosted the International Conference on Africa’s Sustainable Development (ICASuD) as an annual international conference.

The conference serves as a regional knowledge-creating hub poised to ensure conducive economic growth, alleviation of poverty, and food scarcity, sustainable livelihood, accelerated growth rates and sustainable development among African nations.

ICASuD 2023 will bring researchers, practitioners, investors, and policymakers from universities, research institutions, global agencies, and other African and global organizations to identify new ways of supporting Africa’s sustainable development and achieving stronger continental competitiveness in the region and its cross-continental partnerships.

ICASuD’s 3rd annual international conference, calls for research contributions on how businesses, organisations, and policymakers in Africa can shift Africa into a production and industrialised economy amid global socio-economic disruptions.

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Types of Submissions

Competitive Research Papers: Reports of original conceptual or empirical research that has been conducted. These papers should address policy recommendations and demonstrate a clear contribution to the scientific body of knowledge. Competitive research papers should also address implications for theory and practice.

Teaching Cases: Case studies of organizations, countries, and contexts that relate to one or more of the sub-themes showcasing real-life situations that can be used for teaching and training.

Doctoral/(Graduate) Student Consortium: These are research idea proposals from students. The proposals should specify research questions and the envisaged contribution to knowledge.

Workshops: Workshops are interactive panel sessions for discussing particular topics. Proposals for interactive panel sessions are welcome from potential delegates. Workshop proposals should clearly state the topic, present clear justifications for the topic, highlight learning objectives for participants, and provide names of potential panel discussants. Please note that workshops will be planned and implemented by delegates who propose them.

Submission Guidelines

The Organizing Committee of ICASuD 2023 wish to encourage paper presentation from both industry practitioners and researchers in academia and research-based institutions. Interested authors must submit their abstracts and full papers online at

Only abstracts and full papers addressing the main theme or at least a sub-theme of the conference will be considered for presentation. We strongly recommend that papers should address policy recommendations and demonstrate a clear contribution to the scientific body of knowledge. Therefore, Sections that address implications for theory and practice are also recommended in all full paper submissions.

Abstracts of not more than 300 words should be submitted online to Each abstract should include at least four (4) keywords.

Font type: Times New Roman, 12-point size, Line Spacing: 1.5.

Full papers should be a maximum of 15 pages including references, appendices, figures, tables etc.
Author(s) Name(s) and affiliation(s): Centre alignment, 12-point size, superscripts for different affiliations (1, 2…)

Subheadings: Introduction, literature review, methods, analysis of data, discussion of findings and conclusion
A brief bio-data of the author(s) should be provided.

Important Dates

Final Date to submit all Abstracts: June 23, 2023
Notification of Acceptance for all Abstract Submissions: Rolling
Deadline for full Paper Submission: August 25, 2023
Notification of Acceptance of Full Papers: Rolling
Presenting Author Registration Deadline: October 13, 2023

Each paper will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality.
Note: Papers (abstracts and full papers) must be saved in MS Word format and submitted online to All papers must follow APA 7th edition which can be viewed at


All accepted papers will be published online in the Abstracts & Conference Proceedings e-publication with an ISBN. The ICASuD 2023 Conference Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation and possible inclusion in the Web of Science (Conference Proceedings and Citation Index). Authors of the conference papers (evaluated on originality of research, quality of analysis and contribution to knowledge) will be contacted after the conference to submit their revised papers for inclusion in a special issue of Journals and book projects that are indexed in highly rated databases like SCOPUS and Web of Science (WoS) and others.

Already the following journals will be receiving papers from the ICASuD 2023: RAE – Revista de Administracao de Empresas (Journal of Business Management) (indexed in Scopus, WoS). Publishing in RAE is free of cost.

Conference Fees and Registration


The fee covers conference materials, a certificate of presentation (for paper presenting participants) and a certificate of participation. It will also cover coffee breaks and launch breaks for physical participants.

Payment should be made to:
Bank: Zenith Bank Plc
Account Name: Shaveh Consulting
Account Number: 1017332465 (Naira)
Account Number: 5071890019 (USD)

A scanned copy of the payment teller should be sent to

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