
APPLY: 2023 Future Rising Fellowship

The year-long programme is designed to build Fellows’ leadership and storytelling skills and connects them with a growing global network of changemakers.
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Applications for the Future Rising Fellowship 2023 are now open.


The Future Rising Fellowship supports young leaders working at the intersection of climate and gender justice. The year-long programme is designed to build Fellows’ leadership and storytelling skills and connects them with a growing global network of changemakers.


Fellows are carefully selected from an international pool of exceptional individuals who demonstrate a deep commitment to environmental justice and gender equity. They come from diverse backgrounds and bring unique expertise and a shared dedication to building a just and sustainable future. The Fellowship runs from August 2023 – August 2024. Fellows’ narrative projects in the 2023 Cohort must relate to Girls and Women in Conservation or Local Solutions.


Storytelling is at the heart of Girl Rising’s work because they know firsthand its power to drive transformation. A key goal of their program is to help Fellows deepen their storytelling skills and amplify their capacity to lead change. During their tenure, Fellows work with the Future Rising team to complete a narrative project in any medium that highlights their work, or that tells the story of girls or women who are addressing the impacts of climate change and driving environmental justice.


Fellows work collaboratively as a cohort in group workshops and professional development opportunities and also work individually with the Future Rising team to produce their narrative projects. These projects may be fiction or nonfiction and may be in any medium. In the past, Fellows have created short films, podcasts, graphic novels, animations, photo essays, and long-form articles, all centered around issues of gender equity and environmental justice.

Eligibility criteria

  • Open to applicants from all countries.
  • While the Fellow’s storytelling projects can be in any language, all fellowship meetings and discussions are in English.




Each fellow will receive a stipend of US$5,000. In addition, fellows will be invited to apply for a small additional grant for direct project expenses and materials.


Application procedure and deadline

Interested and qualified candidates should apply through the online portal. Application deadline is June 24, 2023.

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