
APPLY: 2023 ImpactHER Free Digital Skills Training

The partnership between ImpactHER and Google is one such tool to help empower female African entrepreneurs with digital skills.
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COVID-19 pandemic brought home the need for every individual and business to be digitally savvy. With a broader market reach and more intuitive work tools, there are many opportunities to scale your business.

Since 2017, ImpactHER has helped more than 20,000 businesses thrive and scale digitally in 52 African countries. The partnership between ImpactHER and Google is one such tool to help empower female African entrepreneurs with digital skills. Creating an era in which female-owned businesses flourish, succeed and connect to the global market. Sign up for a course today.

Eligibility Criteria

The programmes are designed for everyone whether you have a bit of knowledge in digital marketing or you are a beginner at digital marketing. Knowledge from the program would accelerate and make a difference in your industry.


SELF-PACED PROGRAMS: All courses are tailored to meet your schedule, you are allowed to enroll for a course at your convenience.
VIRTUAL LEARNING: All courses are virtual. You can learn on the go, from anywhere in the world.
DIGITAL CERTIFICATION: You will receive a certificate to strengthen your career or business portfolio.
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: The goal is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the global marketplace and prepare you for the future of work.
INCLUSIVE LEARNING: The programme has been designed for everyone – whether you’re acquainted with digital marketing or a complete beginner. The programme is suitable for both business and career people, whether you are busy or have sufficient time, there is a workable plan for you.
CURRICULUM: The curriculum is designed to acquaint you with the necessary digital skills to remain relevant in the digital era and gain a competitive edge in the global market.
OPEN PROGRAMMES: Designed to support Africa’s entrepreneurs and businesswomen. This virtual business growth programme provides leaders of SMEs with the skills, tools, and strategies to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the Covid-19 crisis, to thrive now and in the future.

Application procedure and deadline

Applications can be completed through the online portal. Application deadline is August 25, 2023.

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