
APPLY: 2024 ANSO Visiting Fellowship on Mega-Science Facilities

ANSO aims to improve/enhance regional and global capacity in science and technology, improve human livelihoods and well-being, and promote broader S&T cooperation and communication in the region and world.
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Applications for the 2024 ANSO Visiting Fellowship on Mega-Science Facilities are now open. The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) aims to improve/enhance regional and global capacity in science and technology, improve human livelihoods and well-being, and promote broader S&T cooperation and communication in the region and world.

In line with these objectives, ANSO set up its visiting fellowship programme. The Fellowship provides scholars worldwide with an opportunity to access high-impact & high-quality mega-science facilities in China and to address scientific problems of common interest to both academia and society.

Eligibility criteria 

Visiting Fellowship for Early-Career Scientists

Open to researchers at the early stage of their careers.
They could be post-doctoral fellows, lecturers, or assistant professors who are interested in conducting relevant research on CAS mega-science facilities for 3-9 months.
Applications from researchers outside of academia may also be considered, but normally applicants should hold at least a PhD degree in related areas or have equivalent professional experience.

Visiting Fellowship for Senior Scientists

Open to scholars with richer experience in related fields.
They could be associate professors, professors, or professionals at a comparable level in related fields who are interested in conducting relevant research on CAS mega-science facilities for 2-3 months.


Visiting Fellowship for Early-Career Scientists: RMB 20,000/month (pre-tax) + Round-trip travel allowance.
Visiting Fellowship for Senior Scientists
Associate professors or equivalent-level experts: RMB 30,000/month (pre-tax) + Round-trip allowance.
Professors or equivalent-level experts: RMB 40,000/month (pre-tax) + Round-trip travel allowance.

Application procedure and deadline

Applications can be completed through the online portal. Application deadline is August 15, 2023.

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