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APPLY: Applications open for Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism 2024

The Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism 2024, has announced a prestigious €20,000 award, is now accepting applications. This annual prize aims to honor exceptional in-depth journalism that addresses significant topics pertinent to the European Union (EU) or its Member States.
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The Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism 2024, has announced a prestigious €20,000 award, is now accepting applications. This annual prize aims to honor exceptional in-depth journalism that addresses significant topics pertinent to the European Union (EU) or its Member States.

The €20,000 prize will be conferred in October 2024 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Journalists or teams of journalists within the EU are eligible to apply. The prize not only recognizes excellence in journalism but also covers the winner’s travel expenses to attend the award ceremony. This ensures that the awardees can personally receive recognition for their impactful work.

Eligible applicants include professional journalists or teams of journalists of any nationality, as long as they are based in the EU. Entries must have been published or broadcast between September 1, 2023, and July 31, 2024. Submissions can come directly from authors or through professional media organizations and associations. Each entry must be accompanied by a 500-word summary in English.

Application process:
Applicants are required to ensure that their work is original and that they hold the copyright and moral rights to their entries. Multiple entries are permitted, but each must be submitted separately. The submission process includes stringent checks against plagiarism, with any instances leading to immediate disqualification or revocation of the prize if discovered later. Apply here.

Application deadline: July 31, 2024.

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