
Bridge International Academics Launches #MyBridge Campaign, Giving a Global Voice to African Parents, Teachers and Pupils

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Bridge International Academies is today launching the #MyBridge campaign, giving a global voice to African and Indian parents, teachers and pupils who live in some of the poorest communities in the world.

According to them:

Urgent action is needed to prevent a generation missing out on a good education.

The new, empowering films tell the stories of the mothers, fathers and teachers who are determined to craft a better life for their children, their pupils and themselves. Through education they can escape the poverty cycle.

These films enable parents, teachers and pupils to be heard beyond the places in which they live. Their experiences should be the most important voices in conversations about education reform. However, they often go unheard in the global debate about the serious shortage of education provision in low and middle income countries.

Watch these films and see what a quality education means for their lives, their children’s lives and the future of their communities.

Visit Kristen, Samuel, Rose and others on the #MyBridge page to hear their stories.

Bridge graduates are following their dreams of becoming doctors, engineers, lawyers and journalists.

[youtube]<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

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