
Africa's Education News Source

Educate Boy

Hailing from Ekiti State and raised between Lagos and Ondo, Okikiola emerged as a standout figure in his cohort, graduating from LASU’s Faculty of
Child labor refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular
Abdur Rauf Tawfeeq Abdur Rauf El-Badmusy, an emerging journalist with a diverse background and a passion for impactful storytelling. Hailing from the Oloba Family
Benard Adewole, a visionary engineer and top graduate from the University of Lagos, class of 2022. Benard’s journey into engineering began with childhood tinkering,
Teaching boys how to effectively control anger and aggression is vital since mishandling these emotions can have detrimental effects on their personal, academic, and
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