
Teaching and Learning

Hello my amazing readers, how was your weekend? I trust it was amazing. Let me wish you all a happy new month! Are you
  Calculus is an aspect of mathematics, that studies rates of change (differential calculus) and areas around curves (integral calculus). Calculus has broad applications
Hello my lovely and ever responsive readers! How has been your week so far? Let me guess, exciting? Hmmmm! Lovely? Stressful? Smiles! What was
  The distinguished WISE Prize for Education for this year has been presented to Mr. Larry Rosenstock. Mr. Larry Rosenstock is the CEO and
Enrolling your child in a nursery school will be the first of many firsts for you and your little one. Nursery school will probably be
  In this interview with Oscar Obiora, the CEO and co-founder of EduPoint, this young entrepreneur shares his experience on his journey so far
Higher learning is considered as the best level of education that anyone can get. Studying for a degree takes time, especially undergraduate. Even as
Your parents and the society at large must have told you multiple times how higher education is an absolute prerequisite for ‘making it’ in
University life can get repetitive, monotonous, and boring at times. You wake up- go to class- attend lectures-write papers. And you wait for the
Tips to learn a new language online “Learning a new language is to have one more window from which to look at the world”
English as a language has become a symbol of sophistication and intelligence in many parts of the world. Hence, it is essential for a
Languages are the main communication tool to convey any type of information to the people around us. We all know that the most common
Abigael Ibikunle of Edugist had an interview session with Ms. Omodamwen, the recent awardee of the Teacher of the Year ’19. The award was
The maiden edition of the Teacher Self-Care Hangout, a re-branding and rediscovering session organised by Temitope Ogunniyi, fondly referred to as the Happy Teacher
With the advent of technology, it is quite natural for your child to overindulge in gadgets. It not only adversely affects their health but
Social media do impact on education in different ways because students use social media for infotainment related purposes. Still it is significant to share
A skill we learn as a child is the ability to play together, and the need for this skill does not fade away as
The National Examination Council (NECO) has released the results of the 2018 June/July Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE). According to a statement from the
Procrastination is the deferment of an action for a later time. It is the avoidance of task that could be achieved easily now. On
Parenting involves sentiments, punishments, care, and curiosity. It is not easy. Apart from so many problems that parenting involves, today’s parents face another problem
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