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Dowen students win international scholarships

These scholarships will allow the students to pursue their university education in prestigious institutions across the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States of America, and Canada.
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Nine students of  Dowen College, Lekki, have won scholarships to study abroad.

This was made known during the 2024 valedictory and graduation ceremony of 36 students.

These scholarships will allow the students to pursue their university education in prestigious institutions across the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States of America, and Canada.

While giving her welcome address, Principal, Dr Adebisi Olayiwola, reeled out the great achievements of the nine students, saying, “We acknowledge and congratulate Korede Olubitan who has an annual scholarship award of $144,000 from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago to study Architectural Studies and Design; Chibuikem Nwofor has a scholarship award of $100,000 to study Computer Science and Engineering at Miami University, USA, an award of $146,000 from Drexel University, USA and $120,000 at La Salle University USA.

“Busayo Abagun has a scholarship award of $80,000 from Howard University, USA, $80,000 from Baylor University, USA, $96,000 from Wingate North Carolina University, USA, $80,000 scholarship award from the Long Island University, New York, USA, and Erasmus University in the Netherlands; Oghenetejiri Okotete, a $44,000 scholarship award from the Washington State University.

“70% off Tuition for Babatunde Nana at European University of Lefke, Australia; Muizz Oloruntele with $20,000 scholarship award to study Computer Information Systems at Miami University USA, Gisella Njoku has a scholarship award of CAD 9,000 from the University of Alberta, Canada; Ranita Goodhead, has an award of CAD5,000 from the York University in Canada; while Dorcas has a scholarship award of GBP7,000 from St. Andrews College for A Levels in the UK. We anticipate more scholarships now and in your future. You have contributed to the numerous awards Dowen College Lagos has garnered recently.”

Olyiwola added, “Our dear Class of 2024, today is your day. We are immensely proud of each and every one of you. From your first days to the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and perseverance that have brought you to this stage, you have grown into remarkable young people.

We celebrate your character, intellect, and promise. You are an incredible, exceptional, brilliant, exemplary and talented group.”

The valedictorian, Munachimso Owube, appreciated their parents and families, describing them as their teachers and constant companions.

He said, “Your unwavering dedication and belief in our potential have molded us into the graduates we are now. Today is not just about our graduation -it’s a celebration of your constant love and sacrifice (both physical, financial and spiritual). You have been our compass, guiding us through storms and sunny days alike. From our late-night study sessions and steady objective criticism back in junior school to cheering us on at every milestone.”

Also speaking, the Guest Speaker of the Day, Group Managing Director, Alpha Morgan Capital Managers Limited, Mr Ade Buraimo urged the graduates not to take drugs, saying that it was easier to enter but difficult to exit.

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