
Eliminate Techference from your Child’s Life by Revising the Principles of Parenting

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Parenting involves sentiments, punishments, care, and curiosity. It is not easy. Apart from so many problems that parenting involves, today’s parents face another problem of how to present the better version of technology to children so that they use it judiciously.  This cold war with technology is new, as no other generation has faced it so far.

A study by the Family Online Safety Institute states that most parents do not have a problem with technology as they think that it puts a positive effect on the minds of their children, career and life skills; though 78 percent when surveyed,  did not agree to this. According to them, they try to spend maximum time with their children to limit the use of tech in their lives. Moreover, they worry about the growing use of tech in small things that can be done manually, if their children work actively.

Recent studies by other parent technology advocacy groups reveal that teens spend an average of nine hours on media every day.  Furthermore, the safety institute’s study maps out more details about how parents often end up fighting with their children when they restrict the use of technology in homes. To limit the tech use, 87 percent of parents have rules for their children’s technology use. 19 percent of them, for example, have set the limit of five hours for tech use weekly.

A number of statistics are available which clearly mention the effects of technology abuse on children; therefore, I have come up with some interesting points which will help you eliminate technoference from your children’s lives.

 Develop healthy habits

If you look for a solution that can outpace technology then that is PLAYING. When your child is busy with brain draining on news feeds or wasting energy on video games, you take the initiative for the outdoor play. In between your tasks, try to take out some time to take a quick look at the status of your pal on Facebook. Avoid your habit of spending hours on media, especially when you are with your kids as this will extol the virtues of the 3D world. Read a book, frame stories, discover new talks or plunk yourself down in front of the piano to generate his/her interest in activities that do not require a plug or a battery.

Stop overreacting!

Excess of everything is bad. Technology abuse generally destroys the power of understanding while diverting your mind towards activities that do not even require attention at such a young age.

Hearing a story about a kid that abused MySpace does not mean that your child will also do this. Sexting is a significant issue that most parents hesitate to discuss with their children. If you hear news of teenagers sending the nude image of theirs, does not mean that your child will do the same.

You need to open up to discuss this sensitive issue, ask them what they think, and guide them how dangerous sexting can be.

It’s their learning age so do not overreact. Keep your attitude of teaching rather than dominating.

Get passwords

Perhaps this sounds controversial to you but this can make a big difference in protecting your child from technological abuse. You can get access to the online world of children by getting passwords of their accounts.

If they do not give you, do not force yourself on them and ask them the reason. Not sharing your password is an indication that they may be doing something wrong that you need to know.

Some parents might think that this is an invasion of their personal space. But if you do not want pain for whole life, do not refrain from asking access to their accounts as you are also financing them.

It’s a test that either will make your bond stronger or can help improve your child’s life.

Final words:

Parenting involves lots of challenges but you can turn them into fun by interacting with your children. Your conscientious approach and conscious participation can work wonders for eliminating technoference. You cannot stop the growing influence of technology, but you can limit it by helping them know healthy boundaries. Home tuition is important for children, and who can be the better teacher than you for your children?.


Guest post by Danish Wadhwa


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