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JAMB releases 36,540 withheld UTME results; warns against misinformation

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The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has unleashed an additional 36,540 results for the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), which had been held back for further scrutiny.

This decision comes on the heels of last week’s release of 531 results, pushing the total number of released results to 1,879,437.

Fabian Benjamin, the Public Communication Advisor of JAMB, unveiled this news in a statement issued late on Tuesday evening.

The release of these scores coincides with a storm of misinformation circulating on social media. Dr. Benjamin cautioned the public against a counterfeit letter making rounds on various platforms.

The fraudulent letter, falsely attributed to JAMB, insinuated that ongoing result scrutiny had been compromised due to cyber threats, hinting at a possible exam reschedule. Dismissing these claims outright, Dr. Benjamin clarified that the letter was an attempt to malign JAMB’s reputation and exploit unwitting candidates.

“The results of the 2024 UTME, along with all previous years, remain secure and untouched by any cyber threat,” affirmed Benjamin.

Earlier during the initial release of UTME scores, JAMB had disclosed that some results were withheld for further investigation. Out of these, 531 results were recently cleared, while others are still under scrutiny for suspected examination misconduct.

Benjamin emphasised, “The Board is meticulously reviewing CCTV footage from all accredited centers to establish each candidate’s involvement.”

In light of the ongoing scrutiny and the release of additional results, JAMB issued a stern warning against falling prey to misleading information from unverified sources or individuals, including private institutions and religious bodies.

Benjamin emphasised that it was crucial for all parties to adhere to established policies and refrain from disseminating false information.

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