
Studying in a foreign land, I embraced the challenges and opportunities- Abdur Rauf

Abdur Rauf Tawfeeq Abdur Rauf El-Badmusy, an emerging journalist with a diverse background and a passion for impactful storytelling. Hailing from the Oloba Family in Iwo, Abdur Rauf graduated with a first class honour in Journalism from King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia.
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Abdur Rauf Tawfeeq Abdur Rauf El-Badmusy, an emerging journalist with a diverse background and a passion for impactful storytelling. Hailing from the Oloba Family in Iwo, Abdur Rauf graduated with a first class honour in Journalism from King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia. His journey into journalism was fueled by his natural ability to connect with people, his curiosity, and a desire to change narratives through factual storytelling, especially in the realm of Islamic media in Africa. Throughout the interview, with Abdulhaqq Obisesan he shares insights into his undergraduate experience, challenges faced, and his aspirations for the future of journalism, showcasing his resilience, determination, and commitment to making a difference in the world of media. Excerpts

Please provide Edugist with a brief introduction about yourself and your background.

I am Abdur Rauf Tawfeeq Abdur Rauf El-Badmusy from the Oloba Family in Iwo. I recently graduated studying Journalism from King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia.

What inspired you to pursue a degree in Journalism?

I was inspired to pursue Journalism due to my ability to communicate and connect with people and my curiosity, which journalism could satisfy professionally. Additionally, I aim to change narratives through factual storytelling and see a significant need for Islamic media in Africa.

Can you describe your undergraduate experience?

My undergraduate journey was marked by determination and resilience. Studying in a foreign land, I embraced the challenges and opportunities at King Khalid University and the Afāq Newspaper, which became my second home. Despite facing loneliness and distance from family, I gained invaluable knowledge and skills that shaped my professional life.

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Were there any courses that you found especially difficult?

Journalism requires a broad knowledge base. In my second year, the General Science course, covering Biology, Physics, and Chemistry in Arabic, was particularly challenging and resulted in my lowest grades.

Did you frequently use the library for studying?

I frequently used the library except during my first and final years; initially due to COVID-19, and later due to my internship and fieldwork commitments.

What significant challenges did you face during your studies?

Getting married after my second year introduced significant challenges, especially during my wife’s pregnancy. Balancing family responsibilities and academic demands was tough, but with determination, I succeeded.

Did you participate in any internships during your studies?

Yes, I completed an 8-hour per week internship throughout a semester, which is a requirement for mass communication students.

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Did you receive any scholarships for your studies?

My entire education, including the first year of the diploma and the four years of my bachelor’s degree, was funded by a scholarship from the Saudi Arabian government. May Allah reward them with goodness.

Do you plan to pursue any additional professional certifications in your field?

I am a strong advocate for professionalism and certifications and i plan to pursue as many as possible in my field.

In what ways do you think your interdisciplinary background sets you apart from other professionals?

My diverse background in Computer Science, Graphic Design, Poetry in Arabic, communication theory, and digital technology provides a holistic approach to journalism, setting me apart from other students in the department and professionals at the school press.

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Has any lecturer contributed to your ease of navigating your academics?

All my lecturers significantly contributed to my academic success, and singling out one would be unfair as each played a crucial role.

What are your thoughts on the current state of African literature?

African literature is rich and diverse, with tremendous potential to impact global narratives. My focus has been on Arabic Literature in West Africa, which has deep cultural and historical significance.

Do you have any role models you admire?

In journalism, I admire Prof. Khidru AbdulBaaqi for his global representation of Africa. In entrepreneurship, I look up to Tony Elumelu for his influence and success.
What are your long-term career aspirations?
I aspire to focus on tech journalism and become a prominent figure representing the Black race in this field.
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How do you plan to apply your knowledge to address real-world challenges?

I am open to contributing to any organization, either by appointment or as a volunteer, to address real-world challenges through impactful journalism.

What are your plans following the completion of your bachelor’s degree?

Following my bachelor’s degree, I plan to pursue certifications and a master’s degree in Communication and Crisis Management, continuing to build my expertise and impact in the field of journalism.

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