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UBEC introduces new accounting manual, sanction regime to curb infractions

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The Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) has rolled out a newly revised Accounting Manual and a stringent sanction regime aimed at enhancing financial accountability within the basic education sector.

Hamid Bobboyi, the Executive Secretary of UBEC, announced the implementation of these measures during a six-day training session held in Abuja.

The training, attended by accountants and auditors from UBEC and State Universal Basic Education Boards (SUBEBs), focused on familiarizing participants with the updated accounting guidelines and reinforcing awareness of financial infractions and their corresponding penalties.

Bobboyi underscored the importance of strengthening UBEC’s accounting systems to ensure transparent and efficient use of government investments in basic education. He emphasized that adherence to these guidelines is crucial in fulfilling UBEC’s mandate and maintaining public trust.

“UBEC and SUBEBs play a critical role in implementing the Universal Basic Education (UBE) program, and it is our responsibility to be accountable to the Nigerian public,” Bobboyi stated.

“The new sanction regime is intended to ensure strict compliance with financial regulations, guidelines, and due processes.”

The executive secretary expressed concern over recurrent infractions and poor financial practices identified during UBEC’s quarterly monitoring exercises.

He urged finance officers to uphold ethical standards and warned against condoning any financial misconduct.

“As finance officers, you must strictly adhere to these stipulations. Reports from UBEC’s financial assessments are not just for internal use but may also be requested by relevant agencies for enforcing compliance with laws and regulations,” Bobboyi cautioned.

Adamu Misau, the Director of Finance and Accounts at UBEC, elaborated on the delay in implementing the sanction regime, citing the need for comprehensive training of financial managers. He highlighted the workshop’s role in equipping officers with the necessary skills to manage the Federal Government UBE Intervention Fund responsibly.

Meanwhile, Bobboyi reiterated the Federal Government’s commitment to transforming basic education in Nigeria. He spoke during a workshop on Research Proposals Screening and Execution Modalities organized by the Digital Resource Centre, emphasizing the importance of research in revolutionising the education sector.

The workshop, chaired by Prof. Bashir Galadanci, National Coordinator of the Digital Resource Centre, focused on leveraging digital technologies to enhance the delivery of quality basic education. Dr. Phebe Veronica Jatau, Head of Research and Development at the UBEC Digital Resource Center, highlighted the workshop’s objective of refining research topics for impactful studies.

The training and workshops underscore UBEC’s proactive approach in addressing challenges and fostering improvements in Nigeria’s basic education system.

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