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Veteran OSPOLY Lecturer, Pa Bamikefa Laid To Rest

The remains of the late veteran lecturer at the Department of Mass Communication, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Pa Adeyemi Bamikefa have been laid to rest.
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The remains of the late veteran lecturer at the Department of Mass Communication, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Pa Adeyemi Bamikefa have been laid to rest.

A service of songs for Pa Bamikefa, who died at the age of 76, on June 19, 2024, was held at the First Baptist Church, Igbajo, Osun State, today.

He was thereafter interred at the church’s cemetery.

In a chat with Osun Defender, the deceased’s younger brother, Prince Adebayo Bamikefa, noted that Pa Adeyemi’s life was full of illustrious dedication, selflessness, and sacrifice to humanity.

He added that, “Pa Adeyemi Bamikefa) was a good man, a disciplinarian and he was always committed to good causes. He ensured that all his children were educated and his life will remain an inspiration to us.”

Also, the Head of Department, Mass Communication, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Dr. Idowu Akinrosoye asserted that Pa Adeyemi Bamikefa was an intelligent, jovial, but disciplined lecturer.

“He is a man I respect. His demise is a huge loss to the Mass Communication department, and OSPOLY at large. Despite his joviality, he does not condone insolence. He was kind and friendly to all. His life inspired us and his legacy will continue to inspire us. we’ll miss him”, Akinrosoye added.

Some of the dignitaries who attended Pa Adeyemi Bamikefa’s service of songs include OSPOLY Dean of Students’ Affairs, Dr. Tope Abiola, and Dean, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT), Mr. Stephen F. Oladoye.

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