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10 Schools Offering criminology in 2024/2025 in Nigeria, requirements

Criminology, the scientific study of crime, criminal behaviour, and law enforcement, has emerged as a critical field of study in Nigeria that interests many students.
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Criminology, the scientific study of crime, criminal behaviour, and law enforcement, has emerged as a critical field of study in Nigeria that interests many students. It is an interdisciplinary course that includes sociology, psychology, law, and forensic science.

Here are top 10 University where you can study criminology in Nigeria.

1. University of Jos (UNIJOS)

2. Federal University, Duste (FUD)

3. Federal University, Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE)

4. University of Ilorin (UNILORIN)

5. Kaduna State University (KASU)

6. Bayero University, Kano (BUK)

7. Lead City University, Ibadan (LCU)

8. Chrisland University, Owode

9. National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

10. Western Delta University, Oghara (WDU)

A criminology degree opens doors for different careers such as criminology professor, police detective, lawyer, criminal profiler, private Investigator, etc.

. The requirement for this course in most universities include
. A minimum of 5 credits in Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (SSCE/GCE/NECO), including English Language.
. At least a score of 200 and above in your JAMB result.
. Meet the institution’s criminology cut-off Mark
. Choose the correct JAMB subject combination.

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