
12 free online courses to learn artificial intelligence, machine learning

With the launch of intelligence tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, among others, the emergence of AI marks a significant milestone in the history of technology. 
Source: Datanami
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Our continuously changing digital world demands a growing need for experts in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). With the launch of intelligence tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, among others, the emergence of AI marks a significant milestone in the history of technology. 

AI has become one of the most rapidly evolving fields of computer science in recent years. The development of AI is driven by the desire to create machines that can perform complex tasks that were previously thought to be exclusive to human intelligence. AI technology has revolutionised industries and transformed the way we live, work and interact with the world around us.

As the field of AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more professionals breaking grounds with significant advancements in the coming years, with the potential to transform society as we know it.

Edugist has compiled a list of 12 free online courses to learn AI/ML. These courses, created by prominent firms and educational institutions, offer education, certification, and even university-degree credits to help learners find a job in artificial intelligence.

12 free online courses to learn AI/ML

S/N Course name Platform Time to complete Level
1. Intro to Machine Learning Udacity 1 week Beginner
2. Welcome to Artificial Intelligence Udemy 49 minutes Beginner
3. Machine Learning for All by University of London Coursera 21 hours Beginner
4. AI For Everyone by DeepLearning.AI  Coursera 10 hours Beginner
5. Machine Learning by Georgia Tech Udacity 4 months Intermediate
6. What is Machine Learning? Udemy 2 hours Beginner
7. Machine Learning by Edureka YouTube 10 hours Beginner
8. Machine Learning by Simplilearn YouTube 10 hours Beginner
9. Machine Learning by Great Learning YouTube 10 hours Beginner
10. Intro to Artificial Intelligence Udacity 4 months Intermediate
11. Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning Udacity 1 month Intermediate
12. Machine Learning by Columbia University edX 12 weeks Advanced


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4 months ago

I appreciate the clear differentiation between the various theoretical perspectives, which helps in understanding the broader context.

Ganar Dinero
Ganar Dinero
3 months ago

Tu capacidad para identificar y articular los elementos clave de este tema demuestra un alto grado de expertise y profesionalismo.

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