
20 educational facts about Williams Shakespeare

Here are 20 education facts about Williams Shakespeare that you need to know.
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1. Williams Shakespeare was born in 1564 Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, England.

2. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a prominent local figure, and Mary Arden, daughter of a wealthy landowner.

3. Shakespeare attended the King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford-upon-Avon, where he received a solid education in Latin grammar and literature.

4. At age 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years his senior. They had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith

5. Shakespeare is credited with coining many words and phrases still in use today, examples include “as luck would have it”, “eyeball,” “bedazzled,” “green-eyed monster,” “the world is my oyster”, and “break the ice.”

6. Williams Shakespeare is considered as the world greatest playwright

7. In 1599, Shakespeare’s company built the Globe Theatre, where many of his plays were performed. It became one of London’s most famous playhouses.

8. Between 1585 and 1592, there’s a gap in Shakespeare’s life known as the “lost years,” where little is known about his activities. Some theories suggest he worked as a teacher or traveled during this time.

9. Shakespeare’s works include 39 plays, 154 sonnets, and two long narrative poems. His plays cover a wide range of genres, from tragedies like “Hamlet” and “Macbeth” to comedies like “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Twelfth Night.”

10. Some of Shakespeare’s works were published under the pseudonyms “Thomas Morley” and “John Farmer.” This was a common practice among writers of the time.

11. Shakespeare’s influence on literature, theater, and the English language is immeasurable. His works have been translated into every major language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.

12. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, in Stratford-upon-Avon, on his 52nd birthday. The cause of his death remains unknown.

13. Despite his death centuries ago, Shakespeare’s remains immortal. His legacy lives on as his works continue to be studied, performed, and adapted in various forms of media worldwide.

14. Shakespeare’s versatility as a playwright is evident in his ability to master various dramatic genres, from history plays like “Henry V” to tragicomedies like “The Tempest.”

15. Shakespeare’s influence extends beyond literature into music, film, and art, with countless references and adaptations in popular culture.

16. Shakespeare spelt his name in a lot of ways. In Shakespeare’s time however, spelling was yet to be regulated, and people pretty much spelt things how they wanted, how they sounded or how they thought it should be. Shakespeare was no different and in fact spelt his own name several different ways! Examples include “
William Shaksper”, “Willm Shakp” among many others.

17. Shakespeare’s home is now a visitor attraction in Stratford Upon Avon. His birthplace is still standing, pretty remarkable since it’s about 500 years old.

18. Shakespeare enjoyed the patronage of Queen Elizabeth I and, later, King James I, which helped elevate his status as a playwright.

19. Some scholars debate whether Shakespeare actually wrote all the works attributed to him, leading to theories about alternative authorship, such as the “Shakespeare authorship question.”

20. Shakespeare’s plays are often taught in schools worldwide, providing students with an introduction to classic literature and fostering an appreciation for the English language. Academics and literary scholars continue to study Shakespeare’s works, uncovering new interpretations and insights into his genius.

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Ifeoma Jude-Iloma
Ifeoma Jude-Iloma
11 months ago

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