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200 students to Benefit from 2024 Stanbic IBTC Scholarship Nationwide

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Stanbic IBTC has unveiled its scholarship programme for the 2023-2024 academic year, set to benefit 200 exceptional Nigerian university students nationwide.

This initiative underscores the company’s dedication to fostering educational development and providing opportunities for outstanding students to pursue their academic dreams.

To qualify for the scholarship, students must meet rigorous academic standards, including a UTME score of 250 or higher and at least five credits in O’Level exams (WAEC or NECO). The program aims to alleviate financial burdens on parents and inspire beneficiaries to excel academically and in other pursuits.

Building on the success of previous editions, this year’s scholarship continues to target students who have demonstrated academic excellence. The award ceremony will be a hybrid event, allowing participants to join either physically or virtually, ensuring inclusivity for students, parents, and stakeholders from all regions.

Demola Sogunle, Chief Executive of Stanbic IBTC Holdings, emphasized the initiative’s importance, highlighting Stanbic IBTC’s belief in the transformative power of education.

“Our scholarship program is designed to nurture and develop the potential of Nigeria’s youth. We encourage eligible students to apply, as this could be a crucial step towards achieving their academic goals,” he stated.

Applications for the scholarship are currently open and will close on Sunday, June 30th.

Interested students can find more details and apply at

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