
50 rules of a great teacher

Following rules and regulations demonstrates professionalism and ethical conduct. It shows respect for the profession, the school, the students, and the community, and helps maintain the integrity of the teaching profession.
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Teachers are professionals who are entrusted with the education and well-being of their students. Following rules and regulations demonstrates professionalism and ethical conduct. It shows respect for the profession, the school, the students, and the community, and helps maintain the integrity of the teaching profession. Teachers should follow rules and regulations to create a safe and equitable learning environment, foster discipline and responsibility, support effective classroom management, uphold professionalism and ethics, comply with legal and ethical obligations, and enhance collaboration and communication. By doing so, they contribute to the overall well-being and success of their students. let’s consider fifty rules of a great teacher.

1. Come to class prepared
2. Always be willing to learn
3. Never stop learning
4. Provide clear rules and expectations
5. Act in their student’s best interest
6. Learn everyday
7. Leave every problem at the door
8. Get along with the administration
9. Listen
10. Accept their mistakes
11. Seek advice from other teachers
12. Be flexible
13. Never embarrass their students
14. Never gossip about parents or other teachers
15. They are involved in the lives of their students
16. They read more books to know more
17. Stay up to date
18. They involve parents
19. They are interesting and friendly
20. They get student’s input
21. They show up
22. They avoid excuses
23. They communicate regularly and consistently
24. They don’t take everything personal
25. They build a strong relationship
26. They always have ideas, they are not walking stick teachers, they are
27. They apologise because they know that no one is excellent
28. They enjoy teaching
29. They are open-minded
30. They find inspiration
31. They are creative and productive
32. They think outside the box
33. They are committed
34. They do not gossip or discourage students
35. Great teachers are tender
36. They dress like an educator, being an educator is a passion and being a
teacher is a profession
37. They read the newspaper as it widens their knowledge and improves their
38. They invest in knowledge because the more they know the more they will
be paid
39. They model expectations for their students
40. They move around as they teach
41. Great teacher makes their lesson to be interactive
42. They empathise with the students
43. They are PPP, they plan, prepare and perform
44. They act with integrity
45. They are curious
46. They are brave
47. They believe in students’ potential as it will give them confidence
48. They work as a TEAM
49. They have a sense of humour
50. They are always on time

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