Whether you practice Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism or Sikhism, we all pray and education cut across all religious. For me as a christian, we believe God first!
Each day of our life is a kind and generous gift from God Almighty. We need to accept it with a humble and grateful heart, and live it righteously with a purpose. We need God Almighty’s constant grace and blessings to bring real meaning into our noble work. To mould the life and character of the children in the right direction, we need the unfailing assistance and guidance of those powerful and invisible hands. To work with high spirit, energetically and feel the satisfaction, in all our invested effort we need to ask for His help. His grace is our strength to be mentally strong to accept and exercise our responsibilities. When we rely on Him, we feel relaxed, stress gets evicted and all the actions expound righteous impacts. So let us ask for God’s blessings today, each day and every time.
Oh! God Almighty, with gratitude and joy, we thank thee for blessing us with this noble work.
Grant us the wisdom that all through this day, we may so speak and so act that we’ll bring nothing but happiness to the young who upliftment is our privilege and progress our joy.
Help us to get the best refined knowledge in the best possible way, into the hearts of others; we become the witness of their progress.
Help us to be patient with those who are slow to understand and grant unto us the kindliness, that we may miss no opportunity to help, encourage, cheer and comfort all our scholastically good, emotionally and mentally backward children.
Forgive us to begin to continue and end each day according to your will and give us the wisdom and strength to do everything progressively and to the best of our abilities.
Give us the will and strength to lead an exemplary life, inspiring them with the values that can transform them into nation’s pride.
Grant unto us the competence to make us have sublime faith in the creator and on the abilities endowed by the creator.
Enable us to lighten their life, so that they can be the light to everyone experiencing darkness in life.
Shower your grace-filled blessings into their life and protect them from all evil and danger.
Make them more intelligent mentally, gentle in their approach and kind in their deeds.
Oh! God give unto us the mind to ever remember the dignity, vitality, gracefulness, sensibility of the entrusted work and the strength to labour hard upholding our dedication.
Give unto us the knowledge to generate and utilize all opportunities before us to give the best that they become good human beings.