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How to help people with autism

People with autism learn differently than people without autism. They may need more time to process information and may learn best through hands-on experiences. They may also benefit from visual aids and clear instructions.
Autism Photo credit: WHYY
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour. People with ASD often have difficulty interacting with others and understanding social cues. They may also have repetitive behaviours or interests.

ASD is a lifelong condition, but some treatments can help people with ASD learn and function better. With early intervention, many people with ASD can live fulfilling and independent lives.

What is Autism?

Autism is a complex developmental disorder that typically appears in the first three years of life. It is characterised by a range of social, communication and behavioural challenges.

People with autism may have difficulty understanding and responding to social cues, such as facial expressions or body language. They may also have trouble communicating verbally or using gestures. In addition, people with autism may engage in repetitive behaviours or have restricted interests.

The exact cause of autism is unknown, but it is thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for autism, but early intervention can help children with autism reach their full potential.

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How Autistic People Learn

People with autism learn differently than people without autism. They may need more time to process information and may learn best through hands-on experiences. They may also benefit from visual aids and clear instructions.

Here are some tips for helping autistic people learn:

Break down tasks into smaller steps.
Use visual aids to illustrate concepts.
Provide clear instructions and expectations.
Be patient and understanding.
Allow for breaks as needed.

How to Help Autistic People

There are many ways to help autistic people. Here are a few tips:

Provide early intervention.
Offer support and guidance to families.
Advocate for autistic people in the community.
Educate others about autism.
Promote acceptance and inclusion.

Causes of Autism

The exact cause of autism is unknown, but it is thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some studies have shown that there may be a link between autism and certain genes. However, it is important to note that not everyone with autism has a family history of the condition.

Some environmental factors have been linked to autism, such as exposure to certain chemicals or infections during pregnancy. However, it is essential to note that these factors are not the only cause of autism and that most people who are exposed to these factors do not develop the condition.

Prevalence of Autism in Nigeria

The prevalence of autism in Nigeria is estimated to be 1 in 100 children. However, this number may be higher, as many cases of autism are not diagnosed.

The prevalence of autism is increasing in Nigeria, as it is in many other parts of the world. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including better awareness of autism, improved diagnostic tools, and changes in the environment.

Tips for Parents and Teachers

There are many things that parents and teachers can do to help autistic people learn and succeed. Here are a few tips:

Be patient and understanding.
Provide clear instructions and expectations.
Use visual aids and break down tasks into smaller steps.
Offer positive reinforcement.
Be flexible and adaptable.
Work with other professionals to create a plan for the child’s education.


Autism is a complex disorder, but with early intervention and support, many people with autism can live fulfilling and independent lives. There are many resources available to help parents and teachers of autistic children, and with the proper support, these children can thrive.

If you are concerned that your child may have autism, it is essential to talk to your doctor. Early diagnosis and intervention can make a big difference in the life of a child with autism.

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