
ABU: Debate as student fails to get admission despite 307 JAMB score

The ensuing debate raises questions and has left many tongues lashing about the ABU’s admission policies and the perceived injustice faced by qualified candidates.
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Mohammed Baba, an education enthusiast, has expressed his frustration with Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) after a promising student from the catchment area was denied admission despite scoring an impressive 307 in JAMB and an aggregate of 280 in a recent Facebook handle on January 29, 2024. The ensuing debate raises questions and has left many tongues lashing about the ABU’s admission policies and the perceived injustice faced by qualified candidates.

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The result was shared on Facebook.
However, a counterargument has emerged, underscoring that ABU, being a federal university, does not adhere to regional considerations. Admissions, particularly for MBBS, involve complex state-wise battles where factors like zones and state character play a crucial role. The assertion is that blaming ABU may oversimplify the intricacies of their admission process, which considers various criteria beyond individual scores.

Responding to the controversy, Medic Rufyan’s Drive highlighted that ABU had strict admission criteria, with this year proving to be particularly stringent. MBBS admissions required an aggregate score of not less than 290. While there were exceptions for two candidates with an aggregate between 250 and 290 from Zamfara and another Educationally Less Developed State (ELDS), the overall trend showcased a meticulous evaluation process based on set values.

Victor Aliyu added a layer to the discussion, emphasising that ABU’s admission process now undergoes verification from JAMB, transforming it into an unbiased, legitimate, and transparent procedure. This shift challenges perceptions of favouritism or injustice, as admissions are claimed to be based on objective standards.
The conflicting viewpoints on ABU’s admissions process highlight the need for a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved.

While disappointments are palpable, the emphasis on transparency and fairness signals a potential evolution in how universities approach their admissions, striving for equitable opportunities for all qualified candidates.

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