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Al-Istiqama University suspends student for proposing love to female in public

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Al-Istiqama University in Sumaila, Kano State has suspended a 200-level Computer Science student, Abdullahi Juli Mansur, for what the institution deemed an “immoral” act of publicly proposing love to a female colleague on campus.

The university management, citing disciplinary concerns, issued the suspension through a circular dated May 14, 2024 (Ref. no. AUS/REG/54), after a video of Mansur’s romantic gesture went viral on social media.

The memo, signed by Deputy Registrar Sani A. Usman, highlighted the university’s stance on Mansur’s conduct and revealed the formation of a disciplinary committee to further investigate the incident.

The short video clip in question depicted Mansur presenting a red bouquet to a female student amidst cheers from onlookers, although the recipient did not publicly accept the gesture.

The university justified the suspension as necessary to uphold its guiding principles and ensure appropriate behavior on campus. According to the circular, Mansur’s actions were considered a breach of conduct and reflected a pattern of behaviour for which he had previously been cautioned.

The decision has sparked debate both within and outside the university community, with some questioning the severity of the punishment for what they view as a harmless expression of affection.

Others support the university’s stance, emphasizing the importance of maintaining decorum and ethical standards within academic settings.

Efforts to reach Mansur for comment were unsuccessful at the time of reporting. However, the incident underscores broader discussions about the boundaries of public behavior and personal expression within educational institutions in Nigeria.

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