
APPLY: 2023 IBRO/IBE-UNESCO Science of Learning Fellowship

The fellows will be hosted at IBE–UNESCO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, so they can learn about policymaking in an international context, as well as receive support with policy vocabulary and messages.
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IBRO is the global association of neuroscience societies established in 1961 that aims to promote and support neuroscience around the world through training, education, research, outreach and engagement activities, and the publication of our two journals, Neuroscience and IBRO Neuroscience Reports.

More than 90 international, regional and national scientific members constitute IBRO’s Governing Council which, together with the IBRO Executive Committee and five Regional Committees, address the needs and advance the work of individual scientists and research communities everywhere. In addition, IBRO has partnerships with like-minded scientific organizations to identify priorities and help bridge gaps in knowledge, investment and resources in the field of brain research.

Develop, support, coordinate and promote scientific research in all fields concerning the brain. Promote international collaboration and exchange of scientific information on brain research throughout the world. Provide for and assist in education and dissemination of information relating to brain research are the mission of IBRO.

Applications will be considered from Senior and Mid-Career Scientists, preferably with 10 years of experience in the neuroscience of learning field. IBRO and IBE–UNESCO will consider researchers from all regions of the world.

The fellows will be hosted at IBE–UNESCO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, so they can learn about policymaking in an international context, as well as receive support with policy vocabulary and messages. A separate contract with each fellow will be signed by the fellow and IBE–UNESCO to cover the duration of their IBRO/IBE-UNESCO Science of Learning Fellowship. If travel is impacted by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the possibility of completing the Fellowship remotely will be considered.


  • Grant Amount: 20,000 Euros per Fellow.
  • IBRO and IBE–UNESCO cannot arrange accommodation, visas, insurance, travel or other related logistics. This will be the responsibility of the fellow to organize. Each fellow will be provided with his/her own office, including a computer, desk and internet access.

Eligibility criteria 

  • IBRO/IBE-UNESCO will be considered researchers from all of the world.
  • Applications will be considered from senior an mid-career Scientists, preferably with 10 ears of experience in the neuroscience of learning field.

Expected deliverables

  • Six written briefs (max. 5 pages each; 2 every month) to re-articulate research on neuroscience in an accessible language, with explicit implications for policy and practice.
  • Give an IBE talk on own research project or on any other relevant topic on neuroscience and education.
  • Liaise with the other IBRO/IBE fellows and the IBE staff.
  • Discuss possible participation in various UNESCO IBE and IBRO projects (e.g., Handbook on Curriculum and Learning, conferences and other events, etc.).

Application procedure and deadline

Applications can be completed through the online portal. Application deadline is April 28, 2023.

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