
APPLY: 2024 University of Sheffield Africa scholarship

In partnership with the University of Sheffield Africa Scholarship Trust, the Department of Geography is pleased to offer one scholarship for a postgraduate taught student from Africa in 2024.
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In partnership with the University of Sheffield Africa Scholarship Trust, the Department of Geography is pleased to offer one scholarship for a postgraduate taught student from Africa in 2024.

Scholarship award
The 2024 scholarship offers the following support:

A full tuition fee waiver
£8,000 maintenance support
Accommodation in a single occupant en-suite room in University halls of residence

Eligibility criteria
1. You must hold an offer to study on one of the following courses and register on the course in September 2024 at the University of Sheffield

MA International Development
MSc Environmental Change and International Development
MPH International Development

2. You must be classified as overseas for tuition fee purposes.

3. You must be self-funded to receive this award, ie not funded by a research council, government, private enterprise, charity or any similar organisation.

4. You must not already hold a qualification equal to or higher than a masters.

5. You must not have already studied outside of your home country.

6. This scholarship cannot be awarded in conjunction with any other funding awards, either from the University of Sheffield or external sources.

7. Your mode of attendance must be full-time.

8. Receipt of the scholarship is subject to successfully meeting any condition(s) attached to your offer before the deadline provided by the Admissions Service.

9. You must have an unconditional offer to study at the University before the 2 September 2024.

10. Receipt of the scholarship is subject to successfully receiving a visa to study at the University in September 2024.

11. You must be a national of or permanently domiciled in an African country.

12. The scholarship can not be deferred and students taking a leave of absence will not be eligible to receive the award when they return to their studies.

How to apply
Applications will open on this webpage in February 2024.

The deadline to apply is 1.00pm (UK time) Wednesday 22 May 2024.

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