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APPLY: African Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship Award 2024

The African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) is now accepting applications for the African Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship Award 2024.
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The African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) is now accepting applications for the African Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship Award 2024. With a grant of up to $5,000, this Fellowship aims to empower scientists, extension specialists, and educators to create impactful education, training, and communication programs that enhance the use and efficiency of plant nutrients across African agro-ecosystems. The APNI, founded in 2019 and headquartered in Benguérir, Morocco, is dedicated to advancing plant nutrition for a resilient and food-secure Africa.

The Fellowship offers a significant financial boost, with awards of USD $5,000 available to two innovative professionals. This support is targeted at developing programs that will improve soil fertility management practices, ultimately leading to enhanced agricultural productivity and sustainability in Africa. The recipients will have the opportunity to implement their creative plans, addressing critical knowledge gaps and synthesizing existing information for the accelerated adoption of improved nutrient management practices.

Eligibility for the Fellowship is limited to full-time scientists, extension specialists, or educators working within African National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES), universities, non-profit organizations, or the private sector. Unfortunately, students are not eligible. Applicants must present a well-defined plan that aligns with APNI’s priority initiatives such as 4R Nutrient Stewardship, nutrient and water management innovations for resilient agriculture in drylands, soil health diagnostics, precision farming, and farmer-led on-farm innovation. Partnerships and collaboration, especially those involving female candidates, will be favorably reviewed.

Application process:
Applicants must submit a comprehensive application in either English or French. This should include a detailed description of how the Fellowship will facilitate improved outreach or the implementation of appropriate soil fertility management practices. The application must highlight new initiatives, data synthesis efforts, communication tools, training events, or travel plans that will be undertaken with the award funds. Additionally, the application should provide evidence of the work’s originality, innovative approaches, and potential impact. Apply here.

Application deadline: September 2, 2024.

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