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APPLY: SciComm in Practice Fellowship 2024 for West Africans

SciComm in Practice Fellowship 2024, has announced an application for a prestigious program designed to enhance the skills of beginning science communicators and scientists in West Africa.
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SciComm in Practice Fellowship 2024, has announced an application for a prestigious program designed to enhance the skills of beginning science communicators and scientists in West Africa.

The fellowship, a collaboration between STEMi Makers of Africa and SuperScientists, offers a transformative three-month journey focused on improving science narratives and communication.

Participating fellows will have the unique opportunity to learn from leading figures in the African science communication community. They will refine their communication skills, expand their professional networks, and co-author a piece of science communication. Additionally, fellows will receive a certificate of completion, underscoring their enhanced capability to impact public understanding of science.

To be eligible for the SciComm in Practice Fellowship, applicants must:
Be citizens of one of the following West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, or Togo.
– Demonstrate enthusiasm for science communication, particularly if they are new to the field.

Have completed a Bachelor’s degree in a STEM-related field within the last three years, be graduates of a Master’s program in a STEM field, or be currently pursuing a PhD in a STEM discipline.

Female applicants are strongly encouraged to apply to promote diversity in the field.

Program structure:
The fellowship involves a series of biweekly webinars and activities spread over three months, culminating in the creation of a written piece of science communication. Fellows should expect to commit 5-10 hours per week to the program. This commitment is essential to fully benefit from the fellowship and complete all its components.

Application process:
To apply for the SciComm in Practice Fellowship, candidates must fill out an application form available through the official application portal.

Application deadline: July 12, 2024.

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