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ASUU boycotts UNIBEN postgraduate programme over unpaid entitlements

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In a dramatic move that could severely impact postgraduate studies at the University of Benin (UNIBEN), the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) UNIBEN chapter has announced an immediate withdrawal of its services from all postgraduate programmes.

This decision, taken on Sunday, aims to pressure the university administration into paying outstanding entitlements for postgraduate teaching and supervision.

The UNIBEN ASUU Congress met on Friday, June 14, 2024, and resolved that all its members would cease involvement in postgraduate teaching, supervision, seminars, examinations, and board meetings until their demands are met.

These demands include the payment of all earned honoraria for postgraduate activities carried out during the current administration’s tenure, which ends in December 2024.

“Effective immediately, our members will not engage in any postgraduate-related activities until we receive our due entitlements,” a statement from the union declared. “We also require a clearly defined structure for the administration and remuneration of academic staff involved in postgraduate programmes, negotiated and agreed upon with the university administration.”

An anonymous source within the union confirmed that the boycott is backed by the national leadership of ASUU. “Our demands cover all postgraduate teaching and supervision conducted during Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lilian Salami’s tenure. In this harsh socio-economic climate, we must stand up for ourselves. The labourer is worthy of his wages,” the source emphasised.

A source close to the vice-chancellor of the institution indicated that efforts are being made to resolve the outstanding entitlements of the ASUU members involved in the postgraduate program.

The boycott by ASUU UNIBEN has thrown the postgraduate program into uncertainty, with immediate and long-term repercussions for students and the university’s academic reputation.

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