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ASUU calls out government over insensitivity to lecturers’ plights

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has expressed its disappointment and frustration with the Federal and State Governments’ over their refusal to address the outstanding issues affecting lecturers in Nigerian public universities.
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The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has expressed its disappointment and frustration with the Federal and State Governments’ over their refusal to address the outstanding issues affecting lecturers in Nigerian public universities.

The University lecturers stated this at a joint press conference held on Saturday at the National Union of Journalists council in Sokoto.

Addressing the press, ASUU chairman in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Chapter, Prof. Muhammad Nuradeen Almustapha expressed sadness over the government’s neglect and insensitivity towards the plight members of the union.

He noted that the Union was seriously disturbed by the reports it received, which highlighted the blunt refusal of both the States and Federal Governments in addressing the issues that compelled the union to embark on the nationwide strike action of February 2022.

He also stated that the Federal Government had only paid four out of the seven and a half months salary accrued to the lecturers adding that the government has no justification withholding the salaries, particularly for the work that had already been completed.

The union also demanded the renegotiation of the 2009 FGN/ASUU Agreement and the implementation of the Nimi Briggs Committee Report.

It also called on the President Tinubu-led administration to immediately sign the Nimi Briggs renegotiated draft document as a sign of goodwill and assured hope for Nigeria’s public universities.

Other demands by the union include,payment of earned academic allowances,implementation of the wage award for academic staff, release of promotion arrears,and the completion of Sokoto State University staff quarters.

ASUU condemned the government’s refusal to fund the revitalization of universities, leading to a hike in school fees and levies, and the deepening socio-economic crisis in the country.

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