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ATBU ASUU stages peaceful protest, urges govt to conclude 2009 renegotiation

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Members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi, conducted a peaceful protest on Tuesday, demanding the immediate conclusion of the 2009 renegotiation, which has faced a 15-year delay.

The protest took place within the Yelwa campus, where ASUU members displayed placards with various messages calling on the Federal Government to address their longstanding issues.

Key demands included the payment of earned allowances, release of withheld salaries, payment of promotion arrears, and a rejection of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS).

ASUU also criticised the government’s establishment of new public universities, urging instead for adequate funding of existing institutions.

They called for the reversal of the “illegal dissolution” of university governing councils, highlighting their frustration with the government’s perceived deception.

Addressing journalists at the university’s main gate, ASUU chairman, Ibrahim Ibrahim, represented by his deputy, Mohammed Mohammed Inti, emphasised the urgency of their demands.

“All we are saying here is that we don’t want another round of strike actions in the universities. The children are our children too. The intending strike action is avoidable,” Inti stated.

ASUU stressed the need for the federal government to seriously consider their demands to ensure universities operate smoothly and adhere to regulations.

The union expressed a willingness to resolve issues amicably but called for the government to demonstrate the political will necessary to end the prolonged disputes.

During the protest, ASUU members marched from their secretariat to the main gate, chanting solidarity songs and displaying placards, underscoring their commitment to their cause and the future of Nigeria’s educational system.

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