Oyindamola Egbeyemi

Miss Oyindamola Egbeyemi is an entrepreneur and the Co-Founder of Saskia Consulting. She is also an Executive Director of The Foreshore School, Ikoyi where she manages finance and operations. She has a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London and is a graduate of the Owner-Manager Programme of Lagos Business School (OMP 31).

The Tough Decision to Choose a School for Your Child

Decisions around our children’s education are very challenging. As parents, it is not uncommon to get confused about what schools…

55 years ago

Social and Professional Etiquette: Appearance Matters

Your physical appearance is very important. It could be a key factor that sets you apart in various aspects of…

55 years ago

Favouritism in Families and How it Impacts Child Development

As human beings, we tend to have preferences for certain things and certain people. We have our favourites for one…

55 years ago

#BackToSchool: Are You Ready for the New School Session?

Children will soon return to early morning wake up calls, strict schedules, structured learning activities and limited play time. Breaking…

55 years ago

Human Capital and Development in today’s Nigeria

Education today has taken a turn quite far away from the way that it was organised and delivered in the…

55 years ago

Defining Success: How have the influences evolved, on whose terms?

Success is a concept that often seems far-fetched and sometimes unattainable, whereas it is more of an ambiguous notion; there…

55 years ago

Factors that affect 21st Century Childcare

The level of dynamism of today is such that it is very difficult to keep up with changes in our…

55 years ago

Good Manners Still Matter!

It is easy to place focus on on some obvious areas of development and performance, such as academic excellence, skills…

55 years ago

Laying the Foundation for Leaders of Tomorrow through Families and Education of Today

The recent elections in Nigeria have been very revealing of the influence of the quality of human capital in nation…

55 years ago

Quality Education Equals Quality Delivery?

The experience of working in the education sector has been very revealing. It is reflective of where the pain points…

55 years ago