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Bauchi’s Oil and Gas Academy receives state-of-the-art instructional materials

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The Bauchi State Oil and Gas Academy in Alkaleri has received brand new instructional materials, enhancing its capacity to deliver world-class training.

This initiative, spearheaded by Governor Bala Mohammed Abdulkadir, aims to position the academy as a premier institution for oil and gas education.

The procurement and delivery of these facilities are part of the state government’s broader capacity-building strategy to ensure the successful launch and operation of the academy.

Established in 2021, the institution reflects the state’s commitment to transforming the oil and gas sector and making it appealing to the youth of Bauchi and the surrounding region.

With these new learning materials, the academy is set to become a top-tier training facility, poised to produce graduates highly sought after in the global oil and gas industry.

Governor Bala Mohammed’s vision and dedication in founding the institute have garnered widespread praise, with notable commendation also directed at Commissioner for Natural Resources, Maiwada Bello, for his relentless efforts in bringing this vision to fruition.

The Bauchi State Oil and Gas Academy is now on track to become a hub of excellence, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the competitive oil and gas sector worldwide.

Photo Source: Tribune

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