
Business is Spiritual: The Deep Things

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There are things you will read here that will shake the very root of your belief system. You may stop at a point and decide not to continue, you may continue and brood over this for weeks. But by all means please continue, like I told you last week, the best business schools will not tell you this yet the best entrepreneurs know this.

Let’s start with MONEY!, It is said that cash flow is the lifeblood of a business, but that’s not true per se, money in itself has no value, it is only a representation of things of value. Money is a “place-holder”, Man creates things of value that give money its relevance, Man is a spirit within a medium (the body)  that gives it expression on earth. That is why in the death of man (detachment of the spirit from the body), the titles, and descriptions are changed, and the body is referred to as “Corpse”, It is the spirit that is the Man, not the body. It is a spirit that creates the value that money represents, money therefore extends the character of a spirit! It is present at the same time in different forms everywhere in the world.

Money has no identity, it takes the identity of the value it represents and the spirit (man) that wields it. If the spirit is (good), money will be good, it will be put to good things, and it will accentuate and extend the goodness of the spirit, if the spirit is bad it will be used as a tool of oppression and wickedness.

Stay with me, I am getting somewhere;

If we agree that man is a spirit

If we agree that this spirit creates the value that money represents

Then, Business is in the Business of Man!, Business is in the business of spirits!

Business is how the spirit (Man) creates the value that money represents

Business is one of the mediums by which man reaches into his God-like capabilities of creating, art is another medium, and that is why these mediums invoke the participation of the spirit world, which exists actively with our physical world and has governance over it. Ask any Entrepreneur who you see come up with brilliant ideas, any musician who comes up with tunes, or an artist who comes up with crafts and artworks, they all will tell you that there is usually a cascade or projection into the minds when they are in certain “spiritually charged” atmospheres, some have mastered the art of creating these atmospheres, some can’t explain it but stumble upon it and use it!

I hope I have not lost you and you landed with me, let me put it simply;

Business is a spiritual endeavor. Please believe this.

I told you last week there was a spiritual implication to our loss of that 35 million naira (please read my last article on contracts HERE ) . When that happened, part of the things I did was to seek guidance from those I knew excelled in business and had a track record of their growth.

I was opportune at this time to meet with a Nigerian Billionaire, and when I narrated the ordeal, he smiled and told me this;

“Ugo, I can give you business tactics and advice now that would seem to give you answer and guidance on what to do, but I will not have told you the complete truth”, he added, would you like to know the truth?

I nodded in affirmative and said, Yes sir, please tell me what I am missing”

He said, you lost that money because it was attracted away from you as you didn’t prepare for the level you got into…

I looked at him,  lost, he saw the look on my face and smiled again;

He continued, “Ugo, Business is a spiritual warfare”, “You came up into an area of “Millions” that is power you got were to gain access to, there are gatekeepers at each level of life, to go through and remain at that level, you must defeat or appease the gatekeepers, the strong men!

I was not following at all! he went on “Don’t worry you will understand, He then said, I recommend the first approach of “defeat” than appeasing, if you war and conquer, you have triumphed and you will take your place if you appease, you will keep appeasing because that “Strong Man” becomes your lord”

I was getting closer to an understanding, it was like he knew I will get there! He then said, “If you choose to fight, which I strongly recommend, you can’t win by yourself, you will need to seek a staff of authority from The One who has authority over them all! The One whom all Powers in heaven and earth have been given to” I was getting it.

He then said, “ I will round up with this, Favor can get you into business, but covenants are what will keep you there”

I was lost again, he sensed this and said , “After seeking and getting that staff of authority, you must have your ordinances , practises and covenants with He who gave you that authority to stay a victor because more wars will come”

He stopped here. He then asked me, “You pray right?”, I nodded, He said go and pray and ask God for the interpretations of what I have told you”.

I stood up, thanked him, and left, for weeks these words were going through my mind, and I knew the interpretations but I was seeking something deeper, I needed to understand what actions to take, I didn’t even realize that I was already into one of the practices “Meditation”, until one day in an atmosphere after prayers, it all came!

I just knew what I was to do, the burden was lifted, and it was clear! I knew what to do.

I was already into prayers to God,  but I now knew that there must be a consistent frequency to it, there must be a routine, the wordings of my prayers also had to be different, I must build what the Greeks call “Ischus” and generate “Dunamis”, I got to know that “consistent prayers with a steady frequency” is the way to get that “Staff”, I got to know my required ordinances and my own required covenants. I can’t share those. My ordinances, covenants, and the effects of sustained frequent prayers build “Ischus”, but the daily prayers in themselves give “Dunamis” for the day.

Please Business people, don’t go into business without taking care of and maintaining the spiritual, you will fail! , I once told someone this story and he asked, what of the Big Entrepreneurs in the Western world, do they do this to succeed? I told him what I would tell the people who have read this with doubt, “Trust me, I did my research, and they all do”,  they all do! They have their means of reaching into the spirit world, they exercise their spirit man, and they don’t just discuss it! , it’s always a secret, and most go the route of “Appeasing the strong men” which comes with consequences as I have mentioned earlier.

I will hold it here, there is much to say, but I hope this sets you on your path to succeeding in business.

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