
Caleb VC to speak on prospects of higher education in Africa

Giving an insight into what he will speak on, the VC said: “The British roots of higher education in Nigeria were evident not only in its context, affiliation, promoters, and the shape of its implementation but also in the logic that drove its initial expansion.
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Vice Chancellor of Caleb University, in Imota, Lagos, Prof. Nosa Owens-Ibie, is slated to present papers at an international conference on Higher Education, to be held at the University of Leeds, England, later this month.

Experts from all walks of life are scheduled to brainstorm on the challenges, innovations, and opportunities in higher education practices on June 22-23, 2023, at the conference.

Giving an insight into what he will speak on, the VC said: “The British roots of higher education in Nigeria were evident not only in its context, affiliation, promoters, and the shape of its implementation but also in the logic that drove its initial expansion.

“From 1932 when Yaba Higher College was established in Lagos as the first higher institution in Nigeria, to 1948 when the University College opened in Ibadan as an affiliate of the University of London, the progression has been inextricably linked to its roots in the British system, although there have been significant incursions in recent times by the United States.”

“The developments in many other African countries replayed the Nigerian script. More recently, there has been a proliferation of institutions and higher education development has been heavily impacted by the politics of development.

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