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Chivido 2024: What you don’t know about Chioma Adeleke

Chioma Avril Rowland, known simply as Chioma or Chef Chi, gained prominence as the girlfriend of Nigerian singer Davido.
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Chioma Avril Rowland, known simply as Chioma or Chef Chi, gained prominence as the girlfriend of Nigerian singer Davido. Here are some key points about Chioma:

1. Chioma was born on April 30, 1995, in Imo State, Nigeria. Chioma was an Economics student of Babcock University, where she met Davido, who was a student in the Department of Music. The father of two once disclosed that they’ve known each other for over five years.

2. She gained widespread attention for her relationship with Davido, which began around 2017. Their relationship became a significant topic in Nigerian pop culture due to Davido’s fame and their public displays of affection.

3. Chioma is a chef by profession, and she gained further popularity for her culinary skills and recipes. She launched a cooking show called “The Chef Chi Cooking Show” on YouTube, where she shares cooking tips and recipes with her audience.

4. Chefchi came into limelight after being spotted with the 30 billion gang frontliner on several occasions including family events. She has a sister called Jennifer, who is a fashion designer and she often models her sister’s creations.

5. Chioma is active on social media platforms, particularly Instagram, where she shares updates about her personal life, cooking endeavours, and moments with her family.

6. As a public figure with a large following, Chioma has influenced trends in fashion, lifestyle, and cooking in Nigeria and beyond.

7. Despite the ups and downs that occasionally make headlines, Chioma has shown herself to be a supportive partner to Davido, accompanying him to events and celebrating his successes in the music industry.

8. Davido announced he and chioma were official after he surprised her with an expensive car on her 23rd birthday with the plate number tagged Assurance the title of one of his songs which he dedicated to her. Today, June 25,2024, they officially tie the knot.

9. Chioma and Davido now have Twins having lost their first son in 2022.

10. Chioma has partnered and influenced for many reputable organisations in and out of Nigeria.

Read also: Chivido 2024: 10 interesting facts about Davido Adeleke

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