
Covenant, UI, FUTA, UNILAG ranked top universities in Nigeria

Covenant University, stands at the top spot in Nigeria, while the University of Ibadan followed in second, FUTA emerged third, the University of Lagos and Bayero University emerged fourth and fifth in Nigeria, respectively.
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Academic ranking website, Times Higher Education has released a ranking of ‘Top Universities in the world’ with Covenant University, the University of Ibadan, the Federal University of Technology, Akure, and the University of Lagos emerging top in the 2024 rating.

Covenant University, stands at the top spot in Nigeria, while the University of Ibadan followed in second, FUTA emerged third, the University of Lagos and Bayero University emerged fourth and fifth in Nigeria, respectively.

According to the Academic Ranking Web, the World University ranking includes 1,904 universities across 108 countries and regions.

“The Times Higher World University ranking includes 1,904 universities across 108 countries and regions.

“The table is based on our new WUR 3.0 methodology, which is carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across five areas; teaching, research environment, research quality, industry and international outlook.”

Others universities that achieve the top ranking is Nigeria include the University of Ilorin, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Afe Babalola University, University of Benin, Federal Univ of Agric, Abeokuta, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Lagos State University, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Obafemi Awolowo University, University of Port Harcourt.

Among the 15 top universities, nine are located in the South West, two in the South East, two in the South South, one in the North West and one in the North Central.

Covenant University which ranked top in Nigeria, is placed within the global 801-1000 range.

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