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CYFI introduces leadership initiative for Enugu secondary school students

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The Carrington Youth Fellowship Initiative (CYFI), a program spearheaded by the US Consulate General in Lagos, has introduced its groundbreaking Project Pinnacle in Enugu State.

This pioneering effort aims to cultivate leadership and community engagement among secondary school students.

CYFI, known for mobilising young Nigerians with outstanding vision and capabilities to create impactful projects, has selected five distinguished fellows to lead this initiative.

The pioneer team in Enugu comprises Bobby Edeani, Dawn Kene-Okafor, Busaosowo Bisong, Caroline Musa, and Daberechukwu Ogbuishi.

Project Pinnacle addresses several pressing issues faced by secondary school students, including the lack of comprehensive mentorship programs, limited personal development opportunities, unclear career paths, and disjointed community involvement.

The initial phase is being rolled out in three pilot schools: Shalom Academy, New Layout Secondary School, and Enugu State Smart School, Owo.

The first phase has seen the delivery of customized classroom sessions to 350 students, covering essential topics such as assertive communication, effective study techniques, inclusive leadership, self-awareness, career planning, and ethical conduct.

These sessions were conducted in partnership with the Post-Primary School Management Board to ensure alignment with educational goals.

Following the successful implementation of the initial phase, the second phase of Project Pinnacle is set to commence in June. This phase will empower students to undertake community service projects, providing them with hands-on experience in planning, decision-making, problem-solving, and teamwork—key skills for future leaders.

By the end of the second phase, CYFI aims to instill a strong sense of social responsibility and civic engagement in participants, motivating them to leverage their skills and knowledge to contribute positively to their communities.

The overarching goal is to inspire these young leaders to look beyond their personal aspirations and actively engage in the betterment of society.

The launch of Project Pinnacle in Enugu marks a significant step in the quest to nurture a new generation of leaders who are well-equipped to drive societal progress and community development across Nigeria.

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