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Emir Sends Eid Mubarak Greetings to Muslim Faithful in Osun State, Encourages Compassion and Youth Empowerment

Emir urges the community to celebrate the festival of sacrifice with love, compassion, and by bringing smiles to the faces of the needy across Osun.
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Olalekan Oyeyemi, affectionately known as Emir, extends warm greetings and heartfelt felicitations to the Muslim faithful on the occasion of Eid Mubarak 2024 in Osun State. Emir urges the community to celebrate the festival of sacrifice with love, compassion, and by bringing smiles to the faces of the needy across Osun.

In his message, Emir emphasized the importance of showing compassion and kindness during this auspicious period. He urged everyone to extend a helping hand to those less fortunate, embodying the spirit of giving that defines Eid al-Adha.

Addressing the youth of Osun State, Emir delivered a passionate call to action, encouraging them to remain steadfast in their commitment to elevate Osun to greater heights in all endeavours. He highlighted their pivotal role as future leaders and agents of positive change within the community.

Emir’s message resonates with a commitment to unity, compassion, and the empowerment of Osun’s youth, fostering a collective effort towards a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

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