
Empowering Girls through Menstrual Hygiene Education, VARSH, Teachers educate students

Menstrual Hygiene Week is a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the significance of proper menstrual hygiene management.
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Menstrual Hygiene Week is a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the significance of proper menstrual hygiene management. Celebrated May 8 annually, it serves as a platform to break the stigma around menstruation and promote good menstrual health. The day advocates for better access to menstrual products, education, and sanitation facilities, ensuring women and girls can manage their periods safely and with dignity. It highlights the challenges millions of girls and women face in managing their periods. One of the key focal points during this week is the importance of menstrual hygiene education in schools.

Menstrual hygiene refers to the practices and conditions that ensure women and girls can manage their menstruation with dignity, safety, and comfort. This includes access to clean menstrual products, private and safe spaces to change, and proper disposal facilities. Effective menstrual hygiene management is critical not only for physical health but also for mental and emotional well-being.

Educating young girls in schools about menstrual hygiene is crucial for their health and well-being. It is important to let them know that poor menstrual hygiene can lead to infections, urinary tract infections, reproductive tract infections, reproductive health issues, and even long-term health problems.

In many parts of the world, especially in rural and underdeveloped countries, girls miss school during their periods due to lack of access to sanitary products, inadequate sanitation facilities, or fear of embarrassment. Menstrual hygiene education in schools can address these issues by providing information on affordable menstrual products, advocating for better school facilities, and normalising menstruation. Providing girls with adequate knowledge about menstrual hygiene helps to build their self-confidence. It empowers girls to take control of their bodies and health. It boosts their confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to participate fully in school and social activities. This empowerment is essential for gender equality and the overall development of girls.

Menstrual hygiene education should not be limited to girls. Boys also need to be educated to foster understanding and support. When boys are well-informed, they become supportive, and this creates a more inclusive environment. It helps break down the stigma and discrimination that often surrounds menstruation, fostering respect and understanding between genders. This education helps dismantle myths and misconceptions about menstruation, promoting a more inclusive and respectful environment for everyone.

Empowering students about menstrual hygiene involves engaging the entire community, including teachers, parents, and local leaders. Government, schools, and NGOs should help create a supportive community that ensures that girls receive the assistance and resources they need. It also promotes open discussions about menstruation, helping to normalize the topic and reduce stigma.

In celebration of the menstrual hygiene week, Anuoluwapo Adekanmbi, a girlchild advocate celebrated by teaching Nawairudeen Grammar Senior Girls how to break silence and empowering girls on the importance of hygiene.

“We discussed the necessity of using sanitary pads, proper disposal methods and essential practices during their period”
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A teacher at the school, Mrs Funmibi highlighted the pride and empowerment associated with menstruation.

In many cultures, menstruation is still considered a taboo subject. This stigma can prevent open discussions and hinder educational efforts. Addressing cultural beliefs and engaging local leaders in education efforts are crucial steps in overcoming these barriers. Government and schools should infuse a comprehensive menstrual hygiene curriculum into the school health education programs and subjects. This curriculum should cover the biological aspects of menstruation, proper hygiene practices, and the use of sanitary products. It should also address myths and misconceptions about menstruation.

Voices against rape and sexual harassment (VARSH) went to three communities and five schools in Ila Oragun where they distributed sanitary pads and also educated boys and girls through the #RedDotGist.
Schools should also ensure that girls have access to sanitary products. This can be achieved through free or subsidized distribution programs from different organisations. Providing a variety of products, such as sanitary pads, tampons, and menstrual cups, allows girls to choose what works best for them.

Menstrual hygiene education in schools is not just about teaching girls how to manage their periods; it is about empowering them to lead healthy.

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