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FG to engage Teesside University over controversial student deportation orders

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To resolve the ongoing deportation crisis affecting Nigerian students, the federal government has scheduled a meeting with officials from Teesside University in the United Kingdom.

This follows allegations of an “unjust deportation order” issued against several Nigerian students who are in the midst of their studies at the university.

The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) announced this development in a statement released on Wednesday.

The controversy erupted on May 22, when a group of Nigerian students staged a protest in response to directives from the university authorities, which ordered them to leave the UK.

The university alleged that the deportation orders were issued due to defaults in the payment of school fees by some students.

NIDCOM Chairperson, Abike Dabiri-Erewa, held a virtual meeting with some of the affected students last Sunday. During the meeting, it was agreed that Ambassador Christian Okeke, a Representative of the Nigerian High Commission in the UK, would lead a delegation to meet with Teesside University’s management.

The goal of the meeting is to seek an amicable resolution to the situation and ensure that the students can continue their education without further disruption.

Dabiri-Erewa has appealed to the Nigerian students to remain calm and avoid taking the law into their own hands. She also urged Teesside University to handle the matter with fairness and sensitivity, ensuring that the students are treated justly.

The federal government’s intervention highlights the serious nature of the issue and underscores its commitment to protecting the interests of Nigerian students abroad.

The outcome of the forthcoming discussions between the Nigerian delegation and Teesside University officials will be closely watched, as it holds significant implications for the affected students and their academic futures.

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