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Foundation urges govt to equip libraries, motivate teachers

The Chief Executive Officer of Youth With A Vision Foundation, Dr Elvis Maduka, has called on the government to equip libraries and motivate teachers so as to revive the reading culture among Nigerian youths.
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The Chief Executive Officer of Youth With A Vision Foundation, Dr Elvis Maduka, has called on the government to equip libraries and motivate teachers so as to revive the reading culture among Nigerian youths.

Maduka made the call on Thursday in Lagos during a reading competition held by the foundation, with the theme: ‘Readers Are Leaders’.

Maduka stressed that the government had an important role to play in bringing back excellence in education. He advocates well-funded and well-equipped libraries, fair compensation for teachers, and the provision of quality books in public schools.

“Firstly, we urge the government to take an active role in promoting reading culture. We advocate well-funded and well-equipped libraries, fair compensation for teachers, and the provision of quality books in public schools. Additionally, we encourage teachers to be avid readers themselves, setting an example for their students. We also believe that parents have a vital role to play in fostering a love for reading in their children.

“Ultimately, we envision a collaborative effort involving the government, teachers, parents, NGOs like ours, and students themselves to promote a culture of reading and lifelong learning in Nigeria.”

The Chairman of Coscharis Group, Dr Cosmas Maduka, said without reading there could not be good leadership.

 Maduka also emphasised the need to increase the budget allocation to education.

He said, “You can’t give what you don’t have. So when we find a leader who is also a reader, they will be able to champion and drive improvement in education. Currently, our budget allocation reveals a mismatch between our priorities and the value we place on education. A small percentage of our budget is dedicated to education, reflecting a lack of understanding and prioritisation of education among our people.”

The competition received entries from male and female secondary students across the state.

The organisers also presented certificates and cash prizes to the top three entries in the reading competition.

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